
Getting Better

Sorry my update is a little late. Just needed some sleep and went to a baby shower for my friend Janet Brey this morning.

Anyway, Adleigh seems to be a little more active with each new day. They were able to wean her vent settings some and she is doing much better with taking some of her own breaths on top of what the vent is doing for her. The doctor was going to give one last try for her to get a PCVC line put in. So they had a nurse last night that went to look to see if she could find a vein that would be good for the line and she couldn't find one. So it looks like they are going to do the surgery to put a central line in. The surgery for this is pretty quick and it won't really bother Adleigh much. And as soon as she doesn't need the line anymore they can take it out easily. So either today or tomorrow she will most likely have that procedure done. All of the cultures they have taken are still negative so the conclusion has come to that she has a viral infection. And her lungs have a lot of junk in them so they think she got pneumonia on top of that. But she is doing much better than a few days ago so I think we are at the end stretch with everything. By the way, Adleigh now weighs 4 lbs 7 ozs! Even when she is not feeling well she is still chunking up.

Liana is still doing amazing. They have her trying 3 bottles a day and she usually takes a whole one from me. She is doing much better with us handling her and the only time she really desats is if I am changing her diaper. She weighs 3 lbs 5.6 ozs! Little Liana is getting some meat on her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So have the girls doubled their birth weight now? They are growing so beautifully. I know this challenge is scary, but thank God for so many good reports. We praise God 'who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!'