Adleigh and Liana are both in progressive now! Liana went today at 4:45 and so far she is liking it over there. She did have a couple of bradys (where her heart rate dropped) right before she was supposed to be moved so we had to wait a little while to see if she was going to be okay. Both girls are dropping their heart rate and having more apnea (not breathing) when they are eating and that is because they have reflux. Reflux is really common in preemies, but we want them to overcome this very soon.
Adleigh took another bottle again today and get 6 ml out of the bottle. This is 3 more than the day before. It won't be long until she gets the hang of it.
Here is Adleigh getting her bottle.

And here is Liana with her daddy holding her hand.
That's awesome news that they have both moved to progressie care!!
Ferris, I SQUEALED when I read that the girls were in Progressive Care!!!!! What an awesome answer to prayer!!!! God continues to show Himself faithful so "to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." I can't wait to pass your wonderful news on to McKenzie!!!
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