Here is Adleigh crying it up but you can see the cute little tee. It looks like she is ready for some karate classes.
And here she is all bundled back up.
Liana is up to 18 ml on food now and when we were there today they took out her IV line. So now there are no needles sticking into her! Her nurse said tomorrow that we can give her a little sponge bath. We are also going to bring clothes for both of the girls so they can start dressing them up! It feels so amazing that we are starting to do "normal" things with the girls. I feel like they are getting so big! They are already 5 weeks old and they would have been 32 weeks right now.
Here is me and Liana.
ferris! hey! i think of you and your babies often..your pictures are precious. know that i am praying for your new family...i love you!!
-meagan :)
YAY for another good day!!
You don't know me but I came across your page from Hollie Hixson's blog. I love to read the update on your beautiful girls. I am a mother of 3 and children are such a gift from our Lord. I have been praying for your girls. I love to see the pictures and here what God is doing. Dressing them up is going to be so fun. Keep posting the pictures :)
It was so good to meet you and Wade last night. Thank you for posting in detail how your beautiful girls are doing. It gives me specific things to pray for them and you and your husband. Your family is a living testament to the strength of God.
Amanda McEwen
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