Adleigh and Liana are having fantastic days! They are getting so big. Each day I am so suprised when they tell me their weights. Tonight Liana is 2 lbs 12 ozs and Adleigh is 3 lbs 10 ozs.
Adleigh finally had a poo and let's just say she made up for the days that she hadn't gone. I was the one changing her diaper and she went projectile with it. It was everywhere and we had to completely clean out her isolette.
Liana had an actual bath a tub. We weren't there but the nurse said she loved it. Apparently she got really relaxed and looked super happy. I can't wait until we can be there for the next one!
Lastly, here is a video to make you all swoon with how adorable Adleigh is. Watch how she reacts when Wade starts talking to her. You can totally see she recognizes his voice and is so excited that he is talking to her.
Physical Therapist
The girls are still doing awesome! It feels wonderful to have a week where everything is happening better than it is supposed to and when you call there isn't much going on.
Both girls had the physical therapist visit them today. She said everything looked fantastic. She can only really check their reflexes and muscle tone right now since they are so little, but both of those looked great for the girls. She will check Adleigh once a week and Liana will get checked twice a week since she had the IVH (brain bleed).
We just called the nursery and found out Liana is now 2 lbs 11 oz! (Adleigh's nurse wasn't available so we don't know her weight...last time she was 3 lbs 7 oz). I think that is all the news for today.
Wade got to hold Liana tonight. It had been awhile since he had been able to hold her for an extended period of time. He was so happy and Liana even smiled a few times.
Both girls had the physical therapist visit them today. She said everything looked fantastic. She can only really check their reflexes and muscle tone right now since they are so little, but both of those looked great for the girls. She will check Adleigh once a week and Liana will get checked twice a week since she had the IVH (brain bleed).
We just called the nursery and found out Liana is now 2 lbs 11 oz! (Adleigh's nurse wasn't available so we don't know her weight...last time she was 3 lbs 7 oz). I think that is all the news for today.
Wade got to hold Liana tonight. It had been awhile since he had been able to hold her for an extended period of time. He was so happy and Liana even smiled a few times.
Little Champs
We have been so blessed to have the girls doing great right now. Adleigh is still eating and we are just trying to get to it up there so we can take her off of her IV that gives her the other nutrients she needs. She is up to 13 ml of milk and I think her max is 27 ml. They actually had to up her max some since she is becoming a little chunk! She is also being a champ with her breathing and we are so proud of her!
Liana is getting so much better with her oxygen. For some reason she will desat a lot when we are messing with her. Maybe she just wants her beauty sleep! But during the day she mostly stays at room air and only needs more oxygen when it is during her cares. Her primary nurse is off for the next 4 days and she said she is scared that they will take her to the progressive care unit while she is gone. Just hearing the nurses start to talk regularly about progressive care seems so unreal. We had that as our goal for so long and now we are close. The Lord is so good!
Liana is getting so much better with her oxygen. For some reason she will desat a lot when we are messing with her. Maybe she just wants her beauty sleep! But during the day she mostly stays at room air and only needs more oxygen when it is during her cares. Her primary nurse is off for the next 4 days and she said she is scared that they will take her to the progressive care unit while she is gone. Just hearing the nurses start to talk regularly about progressive care seems so unreal. We had that as our goal for so long and now we are close. The Lord is so good!
Birthday Present
The girls have come so far! Both the girls are on 2 liters now! How amazing is this? They are doing so well with their breathing. A specific prayer we have had for the past few weeks are that the girls will be totally off of oxygen by 34 weeks. I believe that God is working in their little bodies and that we will see this request answered.
Adleigh is up to 10 mls of food and not having as much aspirate. She is almost halfway there to getting full feeds. The nurse said she wouldn't be surprised if Adleigh went to progressive care by the end of the week or next week sometime. That seems so crazy, but we are really excited.
Liana is doing so much better with her breathing. Thank you so much for all your prayers. We are really seeing the power of them right now. Liana was supposed to have her brain ultrasound today, but they decided that since her last one was stable that they weren't as concerned about it. They are going to probably check it every two weeks. So we are praying that the next ultrasound will show she is completely healed.
In honor of Grammy's birthday today and since the girls are finally doing so well, we let Grammy (Wade's mom) hold Liana for a few minutes. Bev was so happy and I am pretty sure that it was the best birthday present!
(Adleigh while I was holding her)
(Liana smiling in her adorable onesie)
(Grammy holding Liana)
Adleigh is up to 10 mls of food and not having as much aspirate. She is almost halfway there to getting full feeds. The nurse said she wouldn't be surprised if Adleigh went to progressive care by the end of the week or next week sometime. That seems so crazy, but we are really excited.
Liana is doing so much better with her breathing. Thank you so much for all your prayers. We are really seeing the power of them right now. Liana was supposed to have her brain ultrasound today, but they decided that since her last one was stable that they weren't as concerned about it. They are going to probably check it every two weeks. So we are praying that the next ultrasound will show she is completely healed.
In honor of Grammy's birthday today and since the girls are finally doing so well, we let Grammy (Wade's mom) hold Liana for a few minutes. Bev was so happy and I am pretty sure that it was the best birthday present!
Brrrr...It's cold in here
Liana was doing a little better with her oxygen today. She was recovering on her own faster when she was desatting. They added fortifier to the breast milk so that she could get more calories. She was also cold today and we aren't sure why. She had a temperature probe on for the isolette to warm her up but she was still low. We just called and they said she had warmed up, but since she had been cold all day we think she used up more of her calories to try and stay warm. She had lost some weight and was back down to 2 lbs 8 ozs. Our three big prayer requests for Liana are: that she would become more stable with her breathing (not as many desatts), that she would gain weight, and that her brain ultrasound will come back tomorrow showing she is completely healed.
Adleigh was our star pupil today. She is almost 3 lbs 5 ozs and is now up to 8 ml of milk every 3 hours. She has been breathing on 3 liters at room air and her oxygen level stays at 99 to 100 (which is amazing). When we called about her, the nurse said she had heard a rumor that Adleigh may go to 2 liters tomorrow. If she is at 2 liters and full feeds they would send her to the progressive care nursery. She has a little while to get to full feeds, but we are getting closer! Just 9 days ago little Adleigh had her surgery and was not wanting to breathe and now she is doing so well. God has really strengthened her lungs and little body. Our huge prayer request for Adleigh is that she will continue to tolerate her feedings and not have any aspirate.
Adleigh was our star pupil today. She is almost 3 lbs 5 ozs and is now up to 8 ml of milk every 3 hours. She has been breathing on 3 liters at room air and her oxygen level stays at 99 to 100 (which is amazing). When we called about her, the nurse said she had heard a rumor that Adleigh may go to 2 liters tomorrow. If she is at 2 liters and full feeds they would send her to the progressive care nursery. She has a little while to get to full feeds, but we are getting closer! Just 9 days ago little Adleigh had her surgery and was not wanting to breathe and now she is doing so well. God has really strengthened her lungs and little body. Our huge prayer request for Adleigh is that she will continue to tolerate her feedings and not have any aspirate.
Wearing Some Clothes
We got to have a lot of fun with Adleigh today. She was all bundled up and we got to take her temperature and change her diaper. She had a dirty diaper (yay!) and then as I was changing her she proceeded to have another poo. It was disgusting, but also incredibly awesome because we know that her digestive system is starting to work a little bit better and I am sure it made her tummy feel a lot better. After all of that we got to put Adleigh in a onesie! It is the preemie size and still too big. She looked completely adorable and I think I did pretty well for dressing my baby the first time.

In medical news, Adleigh is having her food intake upped 1 ml every 9 hours. So she is at 5 mls now. She is still having aspirate, but it usually isn't too much and they just re-feed that and give her new milk on top of it. Breathing wise she was on 5 liters (and breathing like a champ) this morning and by 11 they had dropped her down to 4 liters. She has been doing amazing on it and I think she is going to be off of the oxygen so soon!
We thought that we might be able to give Liana a little sponge bath today, but they had been trying to get her to regulate her own temperature and she got a little cold. So we weren't able to really do anything with her because she needed to get warm again. But we did get to take some pictures of the little outfit they had put her in. How adorable are my little girls?

Liana is up to full feeds now. She gets 20 ml every 3 hours. She still has a lot of up and downs with her oxygen saturations. We want her to get more stable with her breathing so that is our very specific prayer with her now.
In medical news, Adleigh is having her food intake upped 1 ml every 9 hours. So she is at 5 mls now. She is still having aspirate, but it usually isn't too much and they just re-feed that and give her new milk on top of it. Breathing wise she was on 5 liters (and breathing like a champ) this morning and by 11 they had dropped her down to 4 liters. She has been doing amazing on it and I think she is going to be off of the oxygen so soon!
We thought that we might be able to give Liana a little sponge bath today, but they had been trying to get her to regulate her own temperature and she got a little cold. So we weren't able to really do anything with her because she needed to get warm again. But we did get to take some pictures of the little outfit they had put her in. How adorable are my little girls?
Liana is up to full feeds now. She gets 20 ml every 3 hours. She still has a lot of up and downs with her oxygen saturations. We want her to get more stable with her breathing so that is our very specific prayer with her now.
Karate Tee
It has been another day that has gone so well. We found out this morning that they had put Adleigh on the nasal cannula. Hooray! She was at 5 liters of oxygen and at room air. She also was all bundled up because they are transitioning her to regulate her own body temperature. So when we unbundled her to change her diaper and check her temperature we got to see Adleigh wearing her first shirt ever! It was so cute. However she was not too happy with being unbundled. She is still eating 2ml, but they decided that tomorrow they will up her feedings since she has done so much better in digesting it.
Here is Adleigh crying it up but you can see the cute little tee. It looks like she is ready for some karate classes.

And here she is all bundled back up.

Liana is up to 18 ml on food now and when we were there today they took out her IV line. So now there are no needles sticking into her! Her nurse said tomorrow that we can give her a little sponge bath. We are also going to bring clothes for both of the girls so they can start dressing them up! It feels so amazing that we are starting to do "normal" things with the girls. I feel like they are getting so big! They are already 5 weeks old and they would have been 32 weeks right now.
Here is me and Liana.
Here is Adleigh crying it up but you can see the cute little tee. It looks like she is ready for some karate classes.
And here she is all bundled back up.
Liana is up to 18 ml on food now and when we were there today they took out her IV line. So now there are no needles sticking into her! Her nurse said tomorrow that we can give her a little sponge bath. We are also going to bring clothes for both of the girls so they can start dressing them up! It feels so amazing that we are starting to do "normal" things with the girls. I feel like they are getting so big! They are already 5 weeks old and they would have been 32 weeks right now.
Here is me and Liana.
Update for yesterday
Sorry I didn't get a chance to post last night. I fell asleep before I could get a chance! Anyway, yesterday was so awesome. Both girls were doing great. Adleigh was still on her CPAP and not having any bradys or apnea. She is still having a little trouble eating, but it has gotten better. She is now on a medicine to help her food go through her digestive system a little faster. I am pretty sure that today they are going to start upping her feedings 1 ml every 9 to 12 hours. So hopefully that will help pass things along since it will be more food pushing through. I was able to hold Adleigh yesterday for over an hour. She did so well. Never desat or dropped her heart rate! She loved it and so did I.
Liana was still doing her thing. She is up to 16 ml on her food and it eating like a champ! Her IV will be taken out later today if it doesn't come out on its own so she will have one less thing attached to her. She is doing so much better on her oxygen. She is still at 3 liters of oxygen and she sats high a lot. She still likes to take really shallow breathes so we need to get her to stop doing that. I was able to kangaroo Liana yesterday but apparently she got way too comfortable and decided that she was going to breathe really shallow so we had to put her back up after 30 minutes or so.
I think that is everything to update you with from yesterday. I will post tonight on what happens today! Thank you for all the continued prayers...God is making these girls stronger each day and we have seen so many miracles with how fast they are progressing!
Liana was still doing her thing. She is up to 16 ml on her food and it eating like a champ! Her IV will be taken out later today if it doesn't come out on its own so she will have one less thing attached to her. She is doing so much better on her oxygen. She is still at 3 liters of oxygen and she sats high a lot. She still likes to take really shallow breathes so we need to get her to stop doing that. I was able to kangaroo Liana yesterday but apparently she got way too comfortable and decided that she was going to breathe really shallow so we had to put her back up after 30 minutes or so.
I think that is everything to update you with from yesterday. I will post tonight on what happens today! Thank you for all the continued prayers...God is making these girls stronger each day and we have seen so many miracles with how fast they are progressing!
Much Better Day
Today was a much better day for Adleigh. She was able to stay on the CPAP and she only had like one little episode in the past 24 hours compared to 1 to 2 every hour that she was having yesterday. She was only on room air on the CPAP so I think within 2 days she will be back on the nasal cannula...if not before then. She is still eating 2 ml but we keep getting stuff back out from her stomach (it is called aspirate). The feeding at 5 she had 9 ml of aspirate in her tummy! The nurse for tonight thought she needed to get out a poo so she tried to help her along and it looks like that could be her problem. So hopefully now we can get Adleigh to poo and digest her food well.
Liana had two dirty diapers today and one of them I got to change. It was my first dirty diaper with the girls. I was able to hold her for about 2 hours again today! It had been awhile since I was able to hold her for that long. She was able to go from 4 liters to 3 liters today on her oxygen settings and she looked like she was pretty happy with the change. The lasix she has been getting to help her lungs get rid of any fluid will end tomorrow. She has upped her feeds to 14 ml and now all she needs to do is get some fat on her!
Liana had two dirty diapers today and one of them I got to change. It was my first dirty diaper with the girls. I was able to hold her for about 2 hours again today! It had been awhile since I was able to hold her for that long. She was able to go from 4 liters to 3 liters today on her oxygen settings and she looked like she was pretty happy with the change. The lasix she has been getting to help her lungs get rid of any fluid will end tomorrow. She has upped her feeds to 14 ml and now all she needs to do is get some fat on her!
Rough Day
Well Adleigh certainly had our attention today. When I called this morning they let me know they had put her on the nasal cannula and it seemed she was doing well. When I got to the NICU this afternoon she was still doing okay but she was having more bradys and apnea spells. Around 4 they decided she was having too many so they put her on the bubble CPAP. Since she has been on that we have had some ups and downs. She had two episodes where they had to bag her. When Wade and I were there, we had to stimulate her from her bradys like every 5-10 minutes. On top of that she had to move to a different bed since she was still in her surgery bed and then they had to move her isolette. She had a big day and it was rough on her. When we left her at 9 tonight she was doing better. Please pray that Adleigh would breathe easily and that her brain would remember that she has to keep breathing. We are also specifically praying that she would stay on the bubble CPAP and not have to go back on the vent.
Liana was looking great today. The max she can eat with her food right now is 20 ml and she has gotten up to 12. So we only have a few mls to go before she is at full feeds! And once she gets there and ends her antibiotics we won't have to have her IV line in anymore. And that means we will be able to give her an actual bath at some point. So Liana is doing really well right now. Also, she had a poo last night! Thank you for your continued prayers for her brain and digestive system.
Liana was looking great today. The max she can eat with her food right now is 20 ml and she has gotten up to 12. So we only have a few mls to go before she is at full feeds! And once she gets there and ends her antibiotics we won't have to have her IV line in anymore. And that means we will be able to give her an actual bath at some point. So Liana is doing really well right now. Also, she had a poo last night! Thank you for your continued prayers for her brain and digestive system.
Cute Video
I am trying to read through the Bible and today I started reading Job. What a great book for me to read right now. This response from Job shows so much faith and trust in God. (Job 1:21)
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." I hope that through everything that has happened with our girls that I will always praise the name of the Lord.
Adleigh was still on the vent today. They decided to give her 4 doses of steroids. She will get one every 12 hours. I think by tomorrow morning she will have had 2 of the doses and they will see if she is ready to try the nasal cannula again. She was pretty alert when I was with her today. She would look around but she couldn't move her head. She did start eating 1 ml of milk every 3 hours and it looks like she has done well with that so far.
Our prayers for Adleigh are: to have her swelling go down in her throat so she will be able to go to the nasal cannula and breathe easily and that she would be able to digest her food.
Liana had another brain ultrasound today and it was stable. Still no real changes and there was no swelling in the ventricles. We were so thankful to hear these results since her head had grown some over the past week, but that looks like it was just head growth...just taking after her daddy! She is up to 10 ml on her feeds and it gets pumped into her stomach over an hour. She tolerates it really well, but she hasn't pooped yet since she started eating. Hopefully we will see that happen soon. They are giving Liana about 9 doses over 3 days of Lasix which will take some of the fluid out of the lungs so that she can have an easier time breathing.
Our prayers for Liana are: that she will have a big poo, that she can wean down on her oxygen, and that ultimately one of her brain scans will come back showing she is completely healed.
I got some great pics of Liana today and an awesome video. Per Wade's request I am posting the video.
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." I hope that through everything that has happened with our girls that I will always praise the name of the Lord.
Adleigh was still on the vent today. They decided to give her 4 doses of steroids. She will get one every 12 hours. I think by tomorrow morning she will have had 2 of the doses and they will see if she is ready to try the nasal cannula again. She was pretty alert when I was with her today. She would look around but she couldn't move her head. She did start eating 1 ml of milk every 3 hours and it looks like she has done well with that so far.
Our prayers for Adleigh are: to have her swelling go down in her throat so she will be able to go to the nasal cannula and breathe easily and that she would be able to digest her food.
Liana had another brain ultrasound today and it was stable. Still no real changes and there was no swelling in the ventricles. We were so thankful to hear these results since her head had grown some over the past week, but that looks like it was just head growth...just taking after her daddy! She is up to 10 ml on her feeds and it gets pumped into her stomach over an hour. She tolerates it really well, but she hasn't pooped yet since she started eating. Hopefully we will see that happen soon. They are giving Liana about 9 doses over 3 days of Lasix which will take some of the fluid out of the lungs so that she can have an easier time breathing.
Our prayers for Liana are: that she will have a big poo, that she can wean down on her oxygen, and that ultimately one of her brain scans will come back showing she is completely healed.
I got some great pics of Liana today and an awesome video. Per Wade's request I am posting the video.
One sock on
Wade pretty much put the entire update of today on his blog. It was pretty eventful so check his blog to see what our prayers are for our girls.
I haven't been able to get any good Liana pics in the past two days because she has been pretty sensitive to light. Hopefully I can get some good ones of her tomorrow. But I was able to get some of Adleigh since the surgery. She looks pretty adorable with her one sock on.
I haven't been able to get any good Liana pics in the past two days because she has been pretty sensitive to light. Hopefully I can get some good ones of her tomorrow. But I was able to get some of Adleigh since the surgery. She looks pretty adorable with her one sock on.
Quick Updates
Adleigh is still recovering from her surgery. She has been out of it for about 36 hours now. The nurse tonight said she is starting to move around some more and be a little more active. Once she really wakes up then they will try and wean her off the ventilator. Even when she was totally out of it she was trying to pull her head away from the tubes. I think she will be off of it in no time. Adleigh lost a little weight. I am guessing it is because she went through the surgery and everything. She weighs 3 lbs 3.4 ounces. She is just completely adorable!
Liana is just growing bigger and stronger. She is now up to 5 ml of milk. She has some episodes of desatting but she usually recovers on her own. Wade got to hold her for about 15 minutes but then she desat so we had to put her back up. She is 10 grams away from being 2 lbs 10 ounces! She is growing so fast. I can't believe I have such gorgeous daughters!
Sorry for the fast update. I am so sleepy though! Can't wait for church in the morning!
Liana is just growing bigger and stronger. She is now up to 5 ml of milk. She has some episodes of desatting but she usually recovers on her own. Wade got to hold her for about 15 minutes but then she desat so we had to put her back up. She is 10 grams away from being 2 lbs 10 ounces! She is growing so fast. I can't believe I have such gorgeous daughters!
Sorry for the fast update. I am so sleepy though! Can't wait for church in the morning!
All PDAs are closed!
Adleigh's surgery went really well! She was scheduled for 9:15 so we got there at 8:00 am to be with her a little bit before surgery. At 10:00 our nurse called to see where the doctor was and we found out he had to do an emergency heart transplant and then another surgery before Adleigh so it would be between 1 and 2 that we would have the surgery. So around 1 she had it and the doctor told us that her PDA was HUGE! It is a miracle that she was breathing so well with a very large PDA open. So once she recovers from her surgery she should do even better with her breathing and with eating.
Liana had a good day today. I got to hold her for about an hour and she did okay. She desatt a little bit so we decided she had enough for the day and let her rest. Our prayer for her is that she will have her brain completely healed with no swelling or fluid build-up. She has reached 4 ml on her feeding which is good.
Adleigh weighs 3 lbs 4 ounces now and Liana weighs 2 lbs 8 ounces. I actually called Adleigh a chunk the other day. I mean when does a 3 lb baby qualify as a chunk?!?
Liana had a good day today. I got to hold her for about an hour and she did okay. She desatt a little bit so we decided she had enough for the day and let her rest. Our prayer for her is that she will have her brain completely healed with no swelling or fluid build-up. She has reached 4 ml on her feeding which is good.
Adleigh weighs 3 lbs 4 ounces now and Liana weighs 2 lbs 8 ounces. I actually called Adleigh a chunk the other day. I mean when does a 3 lb baby qualify as a chunk?!?
The day before surgery
We found out Adleigh is having surgery around 9:15. We are going to get there early to spend some time with her before the surgical team comes in. Adleigh was doing great today. She actually went down to 4 liters of oxygen and seemed to really like it. I kangarooed her for almost 3 hours today! She needed some mommy time since she is going to be in surgery.
Liana had a pretty good day today as well. She seems to be desating a little more than she used to, but with them being so young their lungs just aren't mature yet so it is a back and forth game with everything. She is going up on her feedings now. She is at 2 ml now and will go up a ml every 12 hours. She did great the first time before her infection so I think she is going to get to full feeds this time and hopefully get the PCVC tube taken out soon. Speaking of infection her blood culture came back negative after 48 hours. We are so happy about this.
Check out sweet little Adleigh today.
Liana had a pretty good day today as well. She seems to be desating a little more than she used to, but with them being so young their lungs just aren't mature yet so it is a back and forth game with everything. She is going up on her feedings now. She is at 2 ml now and will go up a ml every 12 hours. She did great the first time before her infection so I think she is going to get to full feeds this time and hopefully get the PCVC tube taken out soon. Speaking of infection her blood culture came back negative after 48 hours. We are so happy about this.
Check out sweet little Adleigh today.
Surgery Friday
Just so you know the surgery didn't happen today. It is now scheduled for Friday and they won't be doing another echo before then. God is going to close Adleigh's PDA with the hands of skillful surgeons. It really is amazing how they can do a surgery and put a clamp on a teeny tiny valve. Adleigh will have to go back on the ventilator and she will at least be on it for 24 hours. It is hard to see her not really showing any problems with her PDA being open and now she is going to have to take a few steps backwards, but we know that she will bounce back quickly.
Liana's blood culture from yesterday is still negative so we are just waiting to make sure that it stays negative. Her head circumference grew a little again today, but we still just think it is her growing. It looks like she kind of has spurts of growth and then levels out for a little while. She is 1087 grams now which is almost 2 lbs 7 ounces. Adleigh is 3 lbs 1.7 ounces.
I talked to the optomologist today and she said the girls would have their vision checked on Sunday July 27th. They will be looking for a thing called ROP which is retinopathy of prematurity. This is pretty common for preemies to have and if it is grade 1 or 2 their vision usually corrects itself, but if it is grade 3 or higher then they do a laser surgery. Please pray that their beautiful eyes will be working just fine and they won't have ROP at all.
Liana's blood culture from yesterday is still negative so we are just waiting to make sure that it stays negative. Her head circumference grew a little again today, but we still just think it is her growing. It looks like she kind of has spurts of growth and then levels out for a little while. She is 1087 grams now which is almost 2 lbs 7 ounces. Adleigh is 3 lbs 1.7 ounces.
I talked to the optomologist today and she said the girls would have their vision checked on Sunday July 27th. They will be looking for a thing called ROP which is retinopathy of prematurity. This is pretty common for preemies to have and if it is grade 1 or 2 their vision usually corrects itself, but if it is grade 3 or higher then they do a laser surgery. Please pray that their beautiful eyes will be working just fine and they won't have ROP at all.
PDA in full force
Today started like any other normal NICU day. The girls were doing great and basically just chilling out. Then we had the echo cardiogram for Adleigh and I got a call from the cardiologist saying that the echo showed her PDA was pretty large and they were going to do surgery on it tomorrow morning. My heart sank. This was not the news I wanted to hear. But when I went in to see Adleigh I talked to the neonatologist she said that the surgery wouldn't be tomorrow and they were going to wait until her antibiotics are finished and then have another echo to check it. Then Wade went in later and the nurse told him that the neonatologist and the cardiologist haven't spoken yet and that the surgery may or may not happen tomorrow. So we are pretty sure the surgery won't happen, but it has just been super confusing. Please pray they will wait until the antibiotics are finished and that the follow-up echo will show the PDA is completely closed.
Then we found out Liana's blood culture came back positive after 48 hours so they are checking on the antibiotics and considering taking out her PCVC (a more permanent IV line). They did all this with Adleigh so we know what is going on, but we really thought that Liana would have a negative blood culture. We are praying that this infection would be wiped out and that Liana can just focus on eating and growing some more.
Then we found out Liana's blood culture came back positive after 48 hours so they are checking on the antibiotics and considering taking out her PCVC (a more permanent IV line). They did all this with Adleigh so we know what is going on, but we really thought that Liana would have a negative blood culture. We are praying that this infection would be wiped out and that Liana can just focus on eating and growing some more.
The pictures I promised
I promised some pictures in the post from last night since I kept getting errors. So here they are!
This is Liana and me the other night during Kangaroo care time. Her face looks so funny mashed against me.
And here is Adleigh with her fat baby cheeks and a lot of hair! Looks like it is getting some curl to it.
This is Liana and me the other night during Kangaroo care time. Her face looks so funny mashed against me.
And here is Adleigh with her fat baby cheeks and a lot of hair! Looks like it is getting some curl to it.
Fat Cheeks
*I had some awesome pics for this post, but after 4 tries of posting them and getting an error everytime I quit. Check back later and I might get some time to try it again.*
I had a great time with both of the girls today. Adleigh was looking super cute and was being alert when I had my time with her. I just held her in blankets today for about twenty minutes since her temperature was a little low for kangaroo care. All the nurses talk about how chubby she is for her size. She really does have some baby fat on her cheeks and they all love her head full of dark hair.
Adleigh has her echo tomorrow and were are continuing to pray that her PDA would be closed. She is still eating her 1 ml of milk every 3 hours and she is doing well with that. Right now she is 2 lbs 15 ounces! So close to 3 lbs.
Liana was looking beautiful today. She opened her eyes a little for me. I got to kangaroo care her and she always looks so comfy. She kept stretching her hand out and would almost touch my was just a little out of her reach.
Liana had her brain scan today and they said everything is pretty much unchanged. One of the nurses told us the results and said the report talked about the level 4 brain bleed on the left side and a level 1 on the right. So we haven't heard from the doctor about the right bleed so we are going to talk to them some more tomorrow. Our prayer is still that God will completely heal her brain and we are excited to see how and when He does this!
We also haven't heard anything come back about her blood culture so that is a great sign. More than likely these antibiotics have killed off the bacteria. Liana is eating her 1 ml every 3 hours and doing great with that. She is up to 2 lbs 3.2 ounces. Yeah for Liana gaining some weight!
I had a great time with both of the girls today. Adleigh was looking super cute and was being alert when I had my time with her. I just held her in blankets today for about twenty minutes since her temperature was a little low for kangaroo care. All the nurses talk about how chubby she is for her size. She really does have some baby fat on her cheeks and they all love her head full of dark hair.
Adleigh has her echo tomorrow and were are continuing to pray that her PDA would be closed. She is still eating her 1 ml of milk every 3 hours and she is doing well with that. Right now she is 2 lbs 15 ounces! So close to 3 lbs.
Liana was looking beautiful today. She opened her eyes a little for me. I got to kangaroo care her and she always looks so comfy. She kept stretching her hand out and would almost touch my was just a little out of her reach.
Liana had her brain scan today and they said everything is pretty much unchanged. One of the nurses told us the results and said the report talked about the level 4 brain bleed on the left side and a level 1 on the right. So we haven't heard from the doctor about the right bleed so we are going to talk to them some more tomorrow. Our prayer is still that God will completely heal her brain and we are excited to see how and when He does this!
We also haven't heard anything come back about her blood culture so that is a great sign. More than likely these antibiotics have killed off the bacteria. Liana is eating her 1 ml every 3 hours and doing great with that. She is up to 2 lbs 3.2 ounces. Yeah for Liana gaining some weight!
My First Birthday as a Mom!
So I turned 24 today and this is my first birthday being a mom! When I walked to Adleigh's isolette I had a little present. It was a little card that had her footprints and it said Happy Birthday Mommy. Love, Adleigh. I was so excited. It was so cute and I can't wait to get a baby book started and put that in there. Although that would require me actually getting some supplies to put together a baby scrapbook. And I have to make two of them so one doesn't feel left out.
Anyway...Adleigh is still doing really well. Wade and I have started praying that Adleigh would soon get down to 4 liters of oxygen (right now she is on 5) and do really well with it. We are also praying that her PDA will be completely closed by her next echo (not sure when that is yet). And our last big request is that she would have an easy time digesting the milk.
When I saw Liana today, I also got a little surprise from her! She had the footprints card that told me happy birthday as well! This was actually the first set of little footprints we have gotten from Liana. They were so cute. Liana had her blood culture and spinal fluid taken today. I got to hold her right after her lumbar puncture (LP) and she seemed to really enjoy it. I think after such a big procedure she just needed to be held by her mommy.
Our specific prayers for Liana are: That the blood culture and LP would come back negative, that her brain ultrasound tomorrow will come back showing her brain is completely healed with no swelling, that she eats again soon and gains weight, and that she would get down to 2 liters on her oxygen (she is on 3 now). Thank you for joining with us in these specific prayers for our girls.
I also ask that you continue to pray for our friends Aimee and Adam Freeman and little Kayleigh. They have found out that their daughter needs surgery, but she is too small for it. Check out their blog to get the full story and how you can pray for them.
Anyway...Adleigh is still doing really well. Wade and I have started praying that Adleigh would soon get down to 4 liters of oxygen (right now she is on 5) and do really well with it. We are also praying that her PDA will be completely closed by her next echo (not sure when that is yet). And our last big request is that she would have an easy time digesting the milk.
When I saw Liana today, I also got a little surprise from her! She had the footprints card that told me happy birthday as well! This was actually the first set of little footprints we have gotten from Liana. They were so cute. Liana had her blood culture and spinal fluid taken today. I got to hold her right after her lumbar puncture (LP) and she seemed to really enjoy it. I think after such a big procedure she just needed to be held by her mommy.
Our specific prayers for Liana are: That the blood culture and LP would come back negative, that her brain ultrasound tomorrow will come back showing her brain is completely healed with no swelling, that she eats again soon and gains weight, and that she would get down to 2 liters on her oxygen (she is on 3 now). Thank you for joining with us in these specific prayers for our girls.
I also ask that you continue to pray for our friends Aimee and Adam Freeman and little Kayleigh. They have found out that their daughter needs surgery, but she is too small for it. Check out their blog to get the full story and how you can pray for them.
Another Infection
We found out today that Liana does have an infection. It looks like it is the same type of bacteria that Adleigh had. We think that they caught Liana's really early since she has been on the antibiotics one day and she already looks like she is feeling much better. They will take another blood culture tomorrow to see if the antibiotics have killed the bacteria. She seemed to be moving around a lot today and wasn't as touchy as she was yesterday, so I believe we will see it come back negative. Her head circumference last night was the same as the day before so the nurses were pretty happy with that. Overall, Liana had a great day despite having this infection. She is such a little fighter! I am amazed at how far God has brought her.
Adleigh had an amazing day today. I got to kangaroo care her which it had been at least 3 days since the last time I held her and she loved it. Wade said she kept trying to look up at me and she was smiling a lot. The time we had with her was the most alert we had ever seen her. She kept looking around and I think that she would look at me and Wade whenever we would say something to her. They started feeding Adleigh again. They were going to watch her very closely to make sure she is able to handle the food and they said at any point they might make her NPO again. So we are going to call soon and see how she has done the rest of the day.
Adleigh had an amazing day today. I got to kangaroo care her which it had been at least 3 days since the last time I held her and she loved it. Wade said she kept trying to look up at me and she was smiling a lot. The time we had with her was the most alert we had ever seen her. She kept looking around and I think that she would look at me and Wade whenever we would say something to her. They started feeding Adleigh again. They were going to watch her very closely to make sure she is able to handle the food and they said at any point they might make her NPO again. So we are going to call soon and see how she has done the rest of the day.
I have no idea what NPO stands for...actually I just looked it up in our preemie book we just bought and it means nothing per os which is Latin for "by mouth." So anyway, both girls have being doing amazing they just had their food stopped. Their tummies were looking a little big so they did some xrays to see how it was going and it looks like they will possibly start eating tomorrow. Liana's heart rate was a little high and her hemoglobin a little low so they decided to give her some extra blood to give her a little boost. She seemed pretty peaceful when we were there today. They put her on some antibiotics in case some of those signs were early indicators of an infection. They did a blood culture this morning just to be precautionary and we haven't heard anything from that.
Liana's head grew a little bit, which we believe is just normal growth, but since she had her brain bleed the doctors are a little more cautious with this. They are going to check her head circumference daily to monitor it. Continue to pray for her healing and that this growth is just her becoming a bigger baby.
Wade and I had our first real date tonight since the babies have been born. We went out for my birthday (it is Sunday). I went with my friend Beth Brown's suggestion and went to Longhorns so I could have their awesome dessert. It was amazing! Our topic of discussion was our girls and how we can't wait to have them home with us. That day will be here soon and it will be awesome.
Liana's head grew a little bit, which we believe is just normal growth, but since she had her brain bleed the doctors are a little more cautious with this. They are going to check her head circumference daily to monitor it. Continue to pray for her healing and that this growth is just her becoming a bigger baby.
Wade and I had our first real date tonight since the babies have been born. We went out for my birthday (it is Sunday). I went with my friend Beth Brown's suggestion and went to Longhorns so I could have their awesome dessert. It was amazing! Our topic of discussion was our girls and how we can't wait to have them home with us. That day will be here soon and it will be awesome.
Wade and Liana
Wade got to hold Liana for the first time tonight! He loved it. Liana did amazing too. She really seems to settle right in and she doesn't want to be taken away. This is so big for her because she hated being messed with just a few days ago.
Both Liana and Adleigh had their food intake stopped today. Their bellies were looking a little big, but I think they will start them back on their food tomorrow. Liana went from 4 liters on her oxygen to 3 liters and she is doing great! Adleigh went from 6 liters to 5 liters. They are going to see how she does because she is still getting over the infection so they don't want to tire her out too much. Adleigh's blood culture and spinal fluid still haven't grown any bacteria! This is so awesome for her! I feel like the girls have had a great few days and I am so thankful! God has been so good to us.
I absolutely love this video of Liana.
Both Liana and Adleigh had their food intake stopped today. Their bellies were looking a little big, but I think they will start them back on their food tomorrow. Liana went from 4 liters on her oxygen to 3 liters and she is doing great! Adleigh went from 6 liters to 5 liters. They are going to see how she does because she is still getting over the infection so they don't want to tire her out too much. Adleigh's blood culture and spinal fluid still haven't grown any bacteria! This is so awesome for her! I feel like the girls have had a great few days and I am so thankful! God has been so good to us.
I absolutely love this video of Liana.
I had staff wives lunch today and we actually listened to 3 sermons this time. It was the sermon series on Habakkuk that Pastor Craig Groeschel did in April. Holly picked this out over a month ago and who would have thought it would be so timely for me. I got so many things from this sermon. The book is about going through a difficult time and not understanding why God is letting it happen but trusting in Him through it all. Habakkuk questions God and even wrestles with God on the issue, but comes to a place where he knows that God is sovereign.
These two verses really spoke to me.
LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. Habakkuk 3:17-19
Both girls had great days today. Adleigh is looking much better. She had an echo today and it showed no infection had gone to her heart. She still has her PDA and it is small to moderate size so they are still just going to watch it. She hasn't had anything grow in her spinal fluid culture, this is such an answer to prayer! She started eating today. She weighs 2 lbs 11 ounces! She is getting to be such a big girl!
Adleigh being so peaceful.

Liana is still on her nasal cannula and doing so well. She moves up to 12 ml of food at 11 tonight. She weighs 2 lbs 1 ounce. She is just straight up chilling. We are going to try and let Wade kangaroo care her tomorrow and that will be the first time he will hold her! I love these two beautiful girls!
These two verses really spoke to me.
LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. Habakkuk 3:17-19
Both girls had great days today. Adleigh is looking much better. She had an echo today and it showed no infection had gone to her heart. She still has her PDA and it is small to moderate size so they are still just going to watch it. She hasn't had anything grow in her spinal fluid culture, this is such an answer to prayer! She started eating today. She weighs 2 lbs 11 ounces! She is getting to be such a big girl!
Adleigh being so peaceful.
Liana is still on her nasal cannula and doing so well. She moves up to 12 ml of food at 11 tonight. She weighs 2 lbs 1 ounce. She is just straight up chilling. We are going to try and let Wade kangaroo care her tomorrow and that will be the first time he will hold her! I love these two beautiful girls!
Loving our babies
I got to hold Liana today for 2 hours! She did amazing. She just got comfortable and she was loving being held. So tomorrow I guess I will let Wade get to try and hold Liana for a little bit. She had her last steroid shot today at 8pm and she moved up to 10ml in her feedings. If you think of where Liana was just a week ago you can already see God doing so many miracles on our girls' behalf.
Here is Liana being held by her nurse Darlania. She is so tiny in her hands.

Adleigh's blood culture came back with her still having the infection. She seems to be doing much better though. About two days ago she was pretty lethargic from the infection, but today I saw some of that fiesty attitude coming back. We still haven't heard of anything growing in her spinal fluid. We are so thankful for this! Wade got to kangaroo care Adleigh for a little while tonight and she loved it. Overall, both girls had great days today and we believe Adleigh is finally going to get over this infection.
Here is Liana being held by her nurse Darlania. She is so tiny in her hands.
Adleigh's blood culture came back with her still having the infection. She seems to be doing much better though. About two days ago she was pretty lethargic from the infection, but today I saw some of that fiesty attitude coming back. We still haven't heard of anything growing in her spinal fluid. We are so thankful for this! Wade got to kangaroo care Adleigh for a little while tonight and she loved it. Overall, both girls had great days today and we believe Adleigh is finally going to get over this infection.
Nasal Cannula day
I just want to start out by thanking everyone who has commented on our blog. It is so encouraging to hear that people and families are praying for us. I love hearing about other people's stories of healing and how they have been through what we are going through. These comments have been sources of strength and encouragement to Wade and me. Thank you!
Today I went to see Adleigh first. She did get changed from the crazy CPAP that looked like an elephant nose to the nasal cannula today. She liked it so much better and seemed more comfortable. This infection is really wiping her out. She had the spinal fluid checked today. They will watch the culture to make sure no bacteria is growing so this is a test that we don't want to hear anything back from for awhile! They put her on some more antibiotics...that makes 3 she is on. I have been praying that this bacteria would wither away and die.
Here is Adleigh not feeling so good.

Liana was also put on the nasal cannula today! Just a few days ago she was on the oscillator. She has come so far. She makes the funniest faces and she did a lot better with kangaroo care today. She had another brain scan today and the doctors said the bleed on the left side is continuing to clot and there in no extra fluid in the ventricles. They did see something in the right side of her brain that is either a very small bleed or damage done due to poor circulation when the bleed occurred on the left side. When the doctor told me, I just had this confidence that it didn't matter what the he said because God is going to do something completely amazing in her brain.
We can finally see Liana's face! It kind of looks like she has a little mohawk going on there.
Today I went to see Adleigh first. She did get changed from the crazy CPAP that looked like an elephant nose to the nasal cannula today. She liked it so much better and seemed more comfortable. This infection is really wiping her out. She had the spinal fluid checked today. They will watch the culture to make sure no bacteria is growing so this is a test that we don't want to hear anything back from for awhile! They put her on some more antibiotics...that makes 3 she is on. I have been praying that this bacteria would wither away and die.
Here is Adleigh not feeling so good.
Liana was also put on the nasal cannula today! Just a few days ago she was on the oscillator. She has come so far. She makes the funniest faces and she did a lot better with kangaroo care today. She had another brain scan today and the doctors said the bleed on the left side is continuing to clot and there in no extra fluid in the ventricles. They did see something in the right side of her brain that is either a very small bleed or damage done due to poor circulation when the bleed occurred on the left side. When the doctor told me, I just had this confidence that it didn't matter what the he said because God is going to do something completely amazing in her brain.
We can finally see Liana's face! It kind of looks like she has a little mohawk going on there.
Astounding Generosity
Church was awesome this morning! It was our cd release and Wade had worked so hard on that project so it was so nice to see the final product ready to be handed out. Pastor Steven talked about our story and Wade got to share the details of going to Cincinnati up to what we are going through now. It was a powerful time as Wade shared how we are praying for Liana and Adleigh to be completely healed and that God would move so mightily on their behalf that everyone including the doctors and nurses can only say that it is from God. At the end there was a time for other people going through very difficult circumstances to come to the altar (aka front of the high school auditorium) to pray their "sun stand still" prayers. Also, Pastor Steven decided to give all the money the church made from selling the cds today to us. He wanted to make sure we were taken care of during this time. Our church is so generous and we found out we received more money than we could have ever hoped for. I am in awe of how good God is and how He takes care of us and I am also in awe of how our church family bought cds like crazy to support us. I feel completely surrounded by a church family that loves and cares for us so much.
Liana had another amazing day today. She went down from being at level 6 on her CPAP to level 5 and was already around room air. She is now eating 5 ml every 3 hours and I think at her next feeding they are going to move her up to 6 ml. I got to hold her again today. It wasn't kangaroo care. It was just holding her in the blanket for about 15 minutes. But I got to see her face this way. She did really well. She seemed to settle in and all her vitals were really good.
Adleigh is still fighting her infection. The second blood culture they took to see if the antibiotic was working came back positive. So they took out her IV line in case that was the source of the infection and are trying to find out if they need to make any changes to her antibiotics. She was supposed to have her spinal fluid checked today, but they were unable to do it so I think it is going to happen sometime in the middle of the night tonight. It seemed like her symptoms were better today, but when Wade visited her tonight the nurse told him that she had a fever and she was having more bradys. By the way, I got to hold Adleigh in some blankets for about 15 minutes today. The nurse said that she thought she just needed to be held by her mom for a little bit and sure enough as soon as I held her all her vitals were great and she looked so peaceful.
We are praying hard for Adleigh right now. She needs to get over this infection. We are praying specifically that there will be no infection in her spinal fluid and that she will be able to fight off the infection in her blood quickly. Thank you to all the people who are joining with us to pray!
Liana had another amazing day today. She went down from being at level 6 on her CPAP to level 5 and was already around room air. She is now eating 5 ml every 3 hours and I think at her next feeding they are going to move her up to 6 ml. I got to hold her again today. It wasn't kangaroo care. It was just holding her in the blanket for about 15 minutes. But I got to see her face this way. She did really well. She seemed to settle in and all her vitals were really good.
Adleigh is still fighting her infection. The second blood culture they took to see if the antibiotic was working came back positive. So they took out her IV line in case that was the source of the infection and are trying to find out if they need to make any changes to her antibiotics. She was supposed to have her spinal fluid checked today, but they were unable to do it so I think it is going to happen sometime in the middle of the night tonight. It seemed like her symptoms were better today, but when Wade visited her tonight the nurse told him that she had a fever and she was having more bradys. By the way, I got to hold Adleigh in some blankets for about 15 minutes today. The nurse said that she thought she just needed to be held by her mom for a little bit and sure enough as soon as I held her all her vitals were great and she looked so peaceful.
We are praying hard for Adleigh right now. She needs to get over this infection. We are praying specifically that there will be no infection in her spinal fluid and that she will be able to fight off the infection in her blood quickly. Thank you to all the people who are joining with us to pray!
Doing Better
Today we found out that Adleigh's blood culture came back with an infection. They had already started her on the antibiotics and it looks like she is responding well to the medicine and she is having a better day. She was having fewer brady episodes and her temperature was a little better. She even had a bath today and was without her CPAP for 30 minutes and was doing great! Tomorrow they are going to check her spinal fluid to make sure nothing has gone into that. We are asking that you pray this antibiotic kills all the infection and that nothing has crossed over into her spinal fluid.
Liana had an exceptional day. She went from being at 60% on her oxygen levels last night to 30% today. At one point she was down to 25%. The goal is to be at 21% because that is the level of oxygen that you and I breathe. She is doing so well! I got to kangaroo care her again today. This time it went a lot better. She seemed to snuggle in but she kept desaturating so I could only hold her for about 30 minutes. She is eating now and is up to 4 ml!
Liana had an exceptional day. She went from being at 60% on her oxygen levels last night to 30% today. At one point she was down to 25%. The goal is to be at 21% because that is the level of oxygen that you and I breathe. She is doing so well! I got to kangaroo care her again today. This time it went a lot better. She seemed to snuggle in but she kept desaturating so I could only hold her for about 30 minutes. She is eating now and is up to 4 ml!
July 4th for the girls
Happy 4th of July. I am having an early update today!
We went to see the girls today and Adleigh was having a bit of a rough day. She was having a lot of apnea and bradycardia episodes. They decided to check her blood to see if she was fighting an infection. The results we got back aren't crazy bad, but it is a little suspicious. They are doing a blood culture and we will see if anything comes back from that. They will check that every few hours until 48 hours or so passes. We are praying that they don't find anything and that she has no infection. Adleigh also got taken off the nasal cannula and put back on a different type of CPAP so that she could have a little more assistance breathing. When we were in there (when she was still on the nasal cannula) she had an episode where her heart rate dropped like 3 times back to back and I had to keep patting her stomach or feet to stimulate her and help her breathe and get her heart rate up. But now that she is on the CPAP she is doing a lot better.
Liana had a pretty rough night last night. She was desaturating on her oxygen a lot during the night and had to have her level put up to 100%. She also had a little bit of a fever last night, but they think that it had to do with taking her off her pain medication so fast. Today when we got there she had been weaned down to 60% on her oxygen and the doctor said that they would just keep her on the CPAP and keep seeing how she does. We continue to pray that her lungs get stronger and that she can stay on the CPAP at a lower oxygen level.
Thank you for the continued prayers!
We went to see the girls today and Adleigh was having a bit of a rough day. She was having a lot of apnea and bradycardia episodes. They decided to check her blood to see if she was fighting an infection. The results we got back aren't crazy bad, but it is a little suspicious. They are doing a blood culture and we will see if anything comes back from that. They will check that every few hours until 48 hours or so passes. We are praying that they don't find anything and that she has no infection. Adleigh also got taken off the nasal cannula and put back on a different type of CPAP so that she could have a little more assistance breathing. When we were in there (when she was still on the nasal cannula) she had an episode where her heart rate dropped like 3 times back to back and I had to keep patting her stomach or feet to stimulate her and help her breathe and get her heart rate up. But now that she is on the CPAP she is doing a lot better.
Liana had a pretty rough night last night. She was desaturating on her oxygen a lot during the night and had to have her level put up to 100%. She also had a little bit of a fever last night, but they think that it had to do with taking her off her pain medication so fast. Today when we got there she had been weaned down to 60% on her oxygen and the doctor said that they would just keep her on the CPAP and keep seeing how she does. We continue to pray that her lungs get stronger and that she can stay on the CPAP at a lower oxygen level.
Thank you for the continued prayers!
A greater power
Can you believe Liana was on the CPAP today? Just two days ago the doctors were unsure of how she would do with her breathing and now she is doing so well. She is very sensitive to touch and sounds right now. The nurses told us that they are giving her as little stimulation as possible and we even noticed when we talked beside her bed her vitals would drop. So we decided to let her rest today. We are letting her get used to her CPAP and focus on breathing.
Adleigh is still on her nasal cannula and doing great. She does have some bouts of bradycardia, but that is normal for preemies. It gets a little scary though when a nurse tells you to stick your hand in there and pat your baby to make her heart rate go back up. We think that will go away around 33 to 34 weeks.
We have been thanking God for giving us such a great day. I read this verse today that really encouraged me.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles." And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said. 2 Chronicles 32:7-8
Later on you read that God sent an angel to annihilate Assyria's army once Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed for God to help them. I want to be strong and courageous through this battle that we have. There is a much greater power working in our girls than just the tubes and machines hooked up to them. There is the power of our mighty God who is helping us and fighting our battles for us.
One another note, the NICU has been a place where we have gotten to meet a lot of families. One family we are friends with now is Kayleigh's parents Adam and Aimee. Their daughter was born at 1 lb and 1 ounce and dropped to 13 ounces at one point. She is beautiful and you should check out their blog about her.
Adleigh is still on her nasal cannula and doing great. She does have some bouts of bradycardia, but that is normal for preemies. It gets a little scary though when a nurse tells you to stick your hand in there and pat your baby to make her heart rate go back up. We think that will go away around 33 to 34 weeks.
We have been thanking God for giving us such a great day. I read this verse today that really encouraged me.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles." And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said. 2 Chronicles 32:7-8
Later on you read that God sent an angel to annihilate Assyria's army once Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed for God to help them. I want to be strong and courageous through this battle that we have. There is a much greater power working in our girls than just the tubes and machines hooked up to them. There is the power of our mighty God who is helping us and fighting our battles for us.
One another note, the NICU has been a place where we have gotten to meet a lot of families. One family we are friends with now is Kayleigh's parents Adam and Aimee. Their daughter was born at 1 lb and 1 ounce and dropped to 13 ounces at one point. She is beautiful and you should check out their blog about her.
Today was Amazing
God gave me the best day ever! When we arrived at the hospital I found out that Adleigh's PDA opening is now really small. They think that since she is a little older it may close on its own. She is doing so well with breathing that the doctors want to do everything they can to avoid surgery. So we are going to continue waiting and we will see God close up that opening! Then we found out from the doctors that Liana had been taken off the oscillator and is now on the regular ventilator!!! God completely amazed us. We had no idea she would be taken off that soon. She is doing so well with all of the settings and they are weaning her off as fast as possible. They hope to put her on the bubble CPAP either tomorrow or the day after. I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am to God for bringing Liana this far so quickly. Just two days ago we were hearing from the doctors how her lungs were so sick and now with God healing her through the steroids she has progressed so fast.
Wade got to kangaroo care Adleigh tonight and he loved it. He smiled the entire time and when we put her back in her isolette I heard him tell Adleigh that holding her was the greatest thing he has gotten to do. Tonight he got to be a real dad. He held her for a whole hour.
Then to top everything off we went to go visit Liana and our nurse said we could kangaroo care her on the ventilator! She was very squirmy and I think the shirt that I had on wasn't the most comfortable to her so it didn't last too long. But just getting to hold my daughter (that has gone through so much) for the first time on her two week birthday was completely amazing. I was the proudest mama ever and I can't wait to hold her again. I can now say that after them being two weeks old I have held both of my daughters. Praise our gracious God! I can't believe how good He has been to us.
Wade got to kangaroo care Adleigh tonight and he loved it. He smiled the entire time and when we put her back in her isolette I heard him tell Adleigh that holding her was the greatest thing he has gotten to do. Tonight he got to be a real dad. He held her for a whole hour.
Answering Prayers
We had a great day with both girls. I got to do Kangaroo care with Adleigh and I held her for an hour. I finally felt like a mom since I got to hold one of my daughters for an extended period of time. Adleigh had the last dose of the medication to close her PDA at 2:30 pm and she will have an echo in the morning to see if it has closed. I really believe we will hear tomorrow that the medication was successful. Here are two pictures of Adleigh. She is so funny with her hands.

Liana is responding well to the steroid shots! Praise the Lord! When we went in there today she was down to 35% of oxygen needed on the oscillator. We are so thankful that the Lord is healing her lungs and making it a lot easier for her to breathe. We believe she will be off that oscillator soon. She also has been eating some. The past feeding she didn't digest, but it has been good to start the process of preparing her digestive system. Liana having MRSA has changed our routine quite a bit. We aren't supposed to go back and forth between the nurseries now, but I think that Liana's new spot is going to be much better for her. It is quieter than her old spot and darker. She doesn't seem to like much stimulation right now so this seems better for her. This is Liana and she has our new blankets under her.

Liana is responding well to the steroid shots! Praise the Lord! When we went in there today she was down to 35% of oxygen needed on the oscillator. We are so thankful that the Lord is healing her lungs and making it a lot easier for her to breathe. We believe she will be off that oscillator soon. She also has been eating some. The past feeding she didn't digest, but it has been good to start the process of preparing her digestive system. Liana having MRSA has changed our routine quite a bit. We aren't supposed to go back and forth between the nurseries now, but I think that Liana's new spot is going to be much better for her. It is quieter than her old spot and darker. She doesn't seem to like much stimulation right now so this seems better for her. This is Liana and she has our new blankets under her.
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