Liana did have another brady today at 4 pm, but she came right back up so I am not sure if they will count that against her or not. I think since she was at rest when it happened it will start the countdown over, but if she has those every now and then but comes back up then we may just go home on a heart monitor.
As promised I have some pictures and a video. The first two are of Liana after bath time and the bottom two are of Adleigh. The video is of Liana loving her swing. She loves it so much that we are looking for this exact one to have at our house.
And to answer someone's comment...I am going to be very cautious about who the girls are around. The last thing I want to happen is to have the girls get sick and have to go back to the hospital. Preemies catch things so easily. Babies get the antibodies they need from the mom the last 3 months of the pregnancy and our girls were born exactly 3 months early! So, I am going to be a crazy person asking if you have been around anyone sick or if you feel slightly sick. I will make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly before touching the babies and probably give you some hand sanitizer too. So don't think I have anything against you, in fact I love that everyone is so excited to meet our little angels, but I just want to protect my babies.
This is the best news I have heard in a while ! God is so GREAT ! I don't know you and Wade personally but I have attended Elevation for about 6 months now and followed your story from when you found our your girls were twins. It has been hard to believe in miracles lately in my own personal life but you guys and your girls give me so much hope and motivation ! I can't wait to see the girls @ Butler ! You guys are such great parents already ! God has such huge things in store for your family ! Praying BOTH girls will be home soon ! God Bless !
Praise the Lord. That is so exciting!!!
We have that swing and y'all are so welcome to it, just let me know and we can get it you somehow.
I can't wait for Evan to meet his girlfriends!!
Wow! How exciting! Before you know it you'll be posting about Liana's homecoming date :)
I'm so excited for the two of you!! I've been keeping up with your blog since week 2 and am so excited!!
When I brought my son home I only let family hold him. We weren't allowed to take him out in public for a month. And now I am just starting to take him out and let others hold, but all my friends know that there are rules: i.e: Wash your hands or sanitize. If you have been sick or been around anyone sick in the past 48 holding. If you smoke, you have to put a blanket or towel over your clothes (thankfully, I don't have friends that smoke.) At church, there are only a very few people that hold him, I don't put him in the nursery...ect.
I think it is great to set standards. I actually have a sign that says "Wash your hands before touching's on his car seat!"
Great move to be cautious - there isn't anything wrong with that.
I love that photo of Adleigh smiling! She looks SO happy to be with her mommy! And I am SO happy she is coming home! You should have a package for her from us on her homecoming day! :-)
Those pictures and that video are so adorable!! I'm so excited for all of you!
I have been following your story online and I am so happy that your girls will be coming home soon. I happen to be a feeding specialist in a NICU. Have you tried a slow flow nipple with the girls? When babies in our NICU spill a lot or have frequent bradys or desats, these work wonders b/c it slows down the flow of the milk. Most NICUs should have them in stock. I thought maybe it could help speed up discharge. Lots of luck and God bless!
I have that swing in the attic I think, if I didn't sell it in a yard sale. I would be happy to send it to you. I have been following the blog since the girls were born. I watch Elevation sermons online and am always amazed and encouraged by your faith and strength. my email is, just let me know if you haven't found the swing locally and I will get it to you.
Hi! I have been following your story and what an inspiration you all are. God is so good! I am thrilled that one of your angels is getting to go home and I know the other will follow soon. My husband and I live in Columbia, SC and just recently became the parents of a preemie ourselves - a 26 weeker. We are dealing with some of the same things and your family gives us hope! I pray that Adleigh has a great transition home and that Liana's brady will cease altogether. God Bless You All!
When our girls came home from the NICU, Kelly and I were pretty psychotic about the handwashing and basically just made it known that if you even thought you might be sick, stay home. It sounds harsh, but my concern for our girls and their long-term health outweighed worries about other people and their feelings. This will be a special concern for you as we're approaching RSV season.
And yeah, we kept hand sanitizer everywhere. We used to joke that the girls would always associate Purel with their childhood. Along with the signs another poster mentioned (Please wash your hands before you touch mine), we sometimes would put a little bottle of Purel in the front of the girls infant seats, because people will mostly ignore the signs and will reach right in there! The bottle of Purel served as a last second defense/reminder! People would laugh (at my OCD behavior) and lather it on.
Alright, enough from psycho preemie dad.
You've been in my heart & continually in my prayers this entire day. What a testimony to the faithfulness of our great God! To Him be all glory & praise forever. I'll keep praying that Liana's joins her sister at home soon :)
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