We spent the night with Adleigh last night and she ended up having a brady at 4:30 am. It was really quick so they were still okay with her going home, but they gave us the option of putting her on a heart monitor. We decided to have peace of mind and bring Adleigh home on the monitor. So we have had one feeding so far with her at the house and everything is going great! We have waited over 3 months for this day and the car ride home was mixed with this overwhelming gratefulness to God for bringing her home, an excitement to have our baby with us, and nervousness as we left all that we have known for 3 months and being solely responsible for this little life. Thank you so much for all your prayers and I can't wait to tell our girls what amazing people were going before the throne of God on their behalf.
After we spent the night with Adleigh, Liana's doctor came to talk to us about her and now she is coming home...guess when....TOMORROW! Wade's mom is going to keep Adleigh and I have to go to the hospital and room in with Liana during the day for about 8-10 hours so they know that I am okay with her heart monitor and then we will take her home tomorrow evening. Who would have thought that our girls would go home within a day of each other?!?! I am so excited. God has been so good to us and they are coming home healthy and happy little babies.
Here is Adleigh in her car seat about to go home.
Here we are in the car ready to take Adleigh home!
God is GOOD!!! I sit here with tears in my eyes after following yours and Wade and the girls story since they were born. I can't even imagine how you and Wade feel.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Ferris , All that I could do was cry tears of joy, what a great day!
We'll be seeing them soon love MoM
Congratulations! It brings back such happy memories!
Thank you God!
As I was reading about your adventure of Adleigh coming home, my eyes were welling up, but then when I read that Liana would be coming home as well, I couldn't hold back the tears of joy for all of you. I'm soo excited for you!!!
Ferris, I cried and cried as I read this post! I am so excited to hear that your beautiful girls are going to be home!!! Praise God for He is so good!!!!! I can't wait to meet your 2 beautiful miracles!!!!
tears of joy came to my eyes as i read your post this morning ferris!! wow!! God is amazing and He is going to continue to do amazing things in the lives of your beautiful babies and your beautiful family! enjoy every single second!!! we are so thrilled that adleigh is home and liana will be there soon!!! WOW!!!!! He is so good and so faithful!
God is so incredibly good!!! I cried when I read this post. Both of your babies are finally going to be home!! It's hard to believe it was 3 months ago that I got a phone call saying that you guys were in the hospital and had had the babies.. I know you have to be so excited right now. I can't wait to meet them in person!
I can't wait to see what amazing things God does through Adleigh and Liana's lives as they grow up!!
~Sarah W.
I can't imagine anyone reading this and not crying and praising God at the same time!!! Our hearts are so full for you and Wade, we are so grateful to God for His faithfulness!! Your patience, your faith, your trust in Him has been rewarded! Can't wait to see these beautiful girls. McKenzie will want to fly home today to see them! We are so thrilled for you guys and have prayed for this day!!! The Miller's
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for you and Wade. God is so faithful. I praise him for his wonderful acts of grace.
YAY! Now...you just call a girl after you guys get settled for some pictures :).
Can you hear us up here in Virginia praising The Lord with you??? ha ha We serve an awesome and faithful God! We will continue to pray for your family (and will keep checking your blog for updates).
I must echo what so many others have said already. PRAISE JEHOVAH! I am crying tears of joy in my office as I think about all the excitement and nerves of having the girls home. What wonderful news that Liana will finally be with her sister, at home with Mommy and Daddy. Praying for yall!
God is so faithful!!! Congratulations on your first successful night at home...the first of many, many more to come.
Rejoicing with you in Raleigh,
Wow! I don't even know you guys but found your blog through a friend. I just had twins in June and can totally relate. One had to go to the NICU but only for 8 days. I can't imagine what you have been through. Congrats!
Yay, yay, yay!! Praise the Lord!!!
I couldn't help but cry happy tears as I was reading this, but it sounds like everyone else was too, so I guess it is ok! :)
We are so very excited for you! Your story has been a real blessing to us! You continue to be in our prayers...parenting is so fun but challenging
How wonderful! You will have both your girls at home! I cried watching the video.It was so precious. Parenthood is quite an adventure. You've already discovered that. Enjoy it.
Rejoice with those who rejoice...I am rejoicing with tears!!
Ok, I totally cried during that short video. We are praising God with you!!!
You guys are going to do GREAT at home=)
I'm so glad the day(s) we have been praying for are here. I love you all and you know I be here for anything you need. Tell the girls to get ready for Kelly to teach them some funky dances. :) It's never too early to start. Love you!
Ferris, I have never met you..but have met Wade as my husband helps with tear down in the afternoons at church...We have been following your story through out the past three monthes and are just thrilled that you guys have your girls at home with you...Praise God! He is the ultimate healer! Those girls are so loved!
You don't know me, but my husband is the worship leader at Revolution Church and knows Wade. I've been following your story since the day the girls were born, and I've been praying for you guys daily. I am thrilled that the girls are coming home! God is so awesome, and I know he has amazing plans for your sweet girls! Congratulations!
That is so exciting!! What wonderful news to have them BOTH home so soon! I know you are both going to enjoy this new beginning at home with your girls. I'll be praying the transition from the hospital to home goes well!
YAY!!! I am so excited for you guys! Ever since the twins were born they have been in my prayers, as well as you and Wade. I will continue to pray as you make the transition home.
God is so good!!!
Ferris and Wade!
We are so happy for you! We have been reading your blog every night and have been keeping you all in our prayers. So glad that this special day has arrived for you guys! Bless your family and bless your little girls! God is so great!! Much Love, Billy and Anna Owens
I work with your friend Sara Bazemore. She shared your blog with me and I have been following your girls' progress for the last month. I am so excited for you that they are at home.
My son, Mason, who is now 2 was born at 28 weeks and weighed only 1 lb 7oz. He spent 91 days in the NICU. I can remember the day we brought him home like it was yesteday. Like you, I was excited, emotional, and terrified all at the same time. He came home on a monitor, which was a saving grace to my sanity.
I wish you all the best in the weeks and months to come. I will continue to pray for your family and look forward to reading updates.
Jill Stewart
God has blessed you & Wade with two beautiful girls! We're so glad that they're finally home. Your family will continue to be in our prayers.
Beth Moore
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