
19 days

That is how many days I have left at my current job. Only 19. It is so crazy to think that in 19 working days Wade's and my life will be completely changed from what we know of it right now.
We are a burrito of emotions. But I think the biggest emotion is excitement. We know God has set us apart for this journey and we can't wait to see what is in store for us.

I thought now would be a good time to chronicle how amazing God has been to us.

A little over a year ago, Wade and I decided that a move to Lexington, SC would be a very smart idea. We would be close to the church and move to an area that was growing like crazy. And it seemed like a great place to have a family. So we looked for houses and finally decided that we would build one. We put in the offer and had it contingent upon our house selling. So we had about 6 months to sell our house. Six months goes by and no one has bought our house. Then we had to sign away our built house. We kept our current house on the market though because we just wanted to sell. Still nothing. A few months go by and Wade and I were thinking about a possible move to Northeast Columbia, but only if our house could sell. Nothing. A year of trying to sell our house and nothing happened. Finally, we took it off the market.

When we found out that we were going to have to move to Charlotte. We put the house back on the market. We were scared about what would happen this time. And one week goes by. SOLD! In one week our house sold. Wow, God is pretty cool.

God knew exactly what He was doing. At the time it felt like nothing could go right, but now looking back on it I can see how God used all of it for some teachable moments.

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