Liana Hope Joye and Adleigh Grace Joye were born June 18th from an emergency c-section because Liana went into distress. I will have to post a blog on the craziness of this past week.
I am going to use this blog to have updates on our girls progress. Right now Liana is going through a very difficult time, but we are standing firm that God will completely heal her. Please go read Wade's blog for the exact situation and how you can pray on our girls' behalf.
Here are some pictures so that you can see how gorgeous our baby girls are.

Ferris, I love you and those two little girls so much. I am so proud to be their aunt. They are both always in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if you want me to come up and stay with you...whatever you need, I am here..
ferris i do not know you but i have read your blog for some time. i want you to know that i also had a preemie and she also weighed 1 lb 14 oz. they told me that she would quite possibly have blindness, cerebral palsy, deafness and at best be severly delayed. i felt that this was not God's plan for her and i really felt that God's hand was on her. i feel so blessed to say that on august 22 she will be 7 years old and has never had any delay other than her adjusted age. i am believing for your girls that the Lord will heal her and she will be such a testimony for your family and those doctors. take care of yourself. you have a tiring road ahead, but you will get such strength from those girls. i will be praying for her and the rest of you.
brae hogan
Ferris- They are soooo precious! John and I are praying for you guys. We love you and know that God will receive so much glory through these sweet babies.
I'm glad you're okay, and there have been tons of text messages and e-mails going around to remind everyone to pray for you guys and the girls. I can't wait to see how God makes the sun stand still for the twins!
Josh and I are so excited for you that God blessed you with two beautiful little girls. Welcome to parenthood! You will have a love in your heart that you would have never know was possible. (x2 in your case!)
Remember that God has a plan for everything. I know that he has wonderful plans for your girls.
You know that we are both praying for you, Wade, and the girls.
Please let me know if you need anything!!!!!
I do not know you, but my husband knows Wade from college. He was reading Wade's blog last night, and we immediately prayed for your twin girls. I cannot wait to see what all God is going to do through them. God's glory will certainly shine through these beautiful miracles. I just wanted you to know that lots of people are praying for you and your girls. Thank you so much for keeping the world updated through your blog during this hectic time. We will keep on praying daily for you and your twins!
Ferris & Wade,
I wanted to thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful little girls and for the updates. I wanted to let you know that my entire small group at Elevation is praying for your family. May these girls be a testimony to all who come in contact with them.
God Bless!
Ferris- As a new mother myself, I know the love that you feel for your girls. So many people have heard your story and are praying for you, Wade and your girls. Know that only the Lord can be responsible for miracles and what you are experiencing is a miracle in itself. Love those babies with all of your heart and God will hear you and everyone's prayers. We are all here for you and will do anything you need.
God bless,
Ashley, Matt and Jonathan Woods
be strong.
not only does god love your little daughters in all of the dimensions of love, far beyond our understanding, but also he always cares for you with such a solicitude as you must now have for the girls. we might not always see it for our senses are yet not fully developed, or sometimes god's finger might be too big for us to take it for what it is, but he's always there. and with him being the one waiting by the incubator, there actually is nothing that can go wrong.
Oh Ferris! They are adorable! Congratulations! I'm excited for you all four of you as you enter a new journey in life together! You were such a cute when you were pregnant, I know you'll be a glowing mother now that they are here!
I'm praying for all of you. I was actually born a few months early and had breathing problems that kept me in the hospital for several months, but God did his God thing and here I am today. I'm praying for that complete healing for Liana.
Your girls are SO BEAUTIFUL!! I love you, and I am so excited to see how God is going to show you his goodness and faithfulness through all of this. Ben and I are both praying hard core for you, Wade and your precious girls. I can't even begin to tell you how much you have meant to us. I praise the Lord for you!
ferris and wade amy and i are praying for both of those beautiful girls.... We believe that God is going to heal them, and their lives will be a testimony of his healing power...we love you and cant wait to meet those beautiful angels.
lee amy and kayden
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