The surgery only lasted around 45 minutes and we prayed so hard for our little girl. She ended up doing really well and the surgeon said everything looked good. She will have to recover from the surgery, but after that we will see signs of her being able to breathe better and that will lead to her progressing a lot faster. We are so thankful to God for keeping her safe and guiding the doctor's hands. Here is a picture of our sweet Liana.
Adleigh had a great day. She actually got two drops of food today and digested it and her oxygen level on her CPAP is still really good. We are continuing to pray that her PDA will close by itself. For some reason Adleigh has a new nurse like everyday. But each one talks about how fiesty she is. We are going to have our hands full when they both come home.
I am so amazed and so encouraged by the strength you and Wade have. Strength that is only found through the power of knowing and loving our Saviour as the two of you do!
God is using your family in a mighty way. And it is awesome to read your blog and hear you share the power of Him during this time. Your precious girls are going to be such a testimony to what a wonderful God He is.
Please know that Jamil and I are praying for you, Wade and those beautiful babies. We are witnessing Him already at work in these little tiny girls!!! Praise Him!
With Love and Prayers,
Hey Ferris,
We will be on our way to Bigstuf tomorrow and I will find a way to get updates while we are gone so that we can continue to pray for the specific needs of your two precious little girls. We love you and will miss you and Wade this year in PCB. The pictures of the girls are adorable.=]
I'm so glad that the surgery went well. Praise God for another day of life (here on earth) :)
Praise the LORD!! I am so glad the surgery went well!!!
Ferris and Wade,
I am praying for you all. I have never had the opportunity to meet you at church but just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I was reading Holly's blog and found out about the babies.I worked as a Respiratory Therapist years ago in Columbia,SC in the NICU. These babies put up such a fight and once they get over some major hurdles, they really do begin to bounce back. Just keep talking to them and praying with them and let them know how much you love them. They really do respond to touch, songs and love.
Praise God that she came through so well in that surgery. I'm praying that with this surgery, Liana will recoup faster than anyone can imagine and that that will be th beginning of a truly remarkable move of God in hin getting those girls home to you and Wade.
and by the way, Wade was phenomenal on stage today. You could just see him radiating joyfulness, thanksgiving, and gratefulness to God as he led worship today. It was a blessing.
Hey Ferris,
I just left a comment on your hubby's blog so make sure to read what I put on there. It is a book so I wont try to repeat it but just know that my husband and I are joining you in our prayers. We went through something very similar so my heart goes out to you guys like you would not believe. God healed our daughter, she is now about to turn nine. You can check out a picture of her on my blog to see our miracle. I am going to keep reading your blog so I can watch first hand the miracle that God is doing in your girls!
I am so very happy that the surgery went well! I heard about the emergency C-Section through Holly's blog. I have never had the opportunity to meet you or Wade at church, but my husband has met Wade through being on the production team. Your strength is amazing and I am sure it is coming from the Lord above! I will continue to pray that God continues to heal those precious girls and that they may come home really soon!
God Bless and Keep you in His loving arms,
Karen Luke
We have been praying for you, Wade and especially the girls. Heather is at BigStuf and is calling in daily to get reports. They have the entire camp praying for all of you. God is in control and He will see you through this journey. We love and miss you both!
You don't know me... I saw the group "Pray for JOYE Twins" on Corey Truett's Facebook page. I am assuming that you or your husband knows Corey. He is a youth pastor in MS and one of my husband's best friends. Nick and I live in Montgomery Alabama and Nick is the Director of Youth Ministries for the United Methodist Alabama West Florida Conference...
FERRIS I have wept tears of compassion and joy this morning as I sip my coffee reading your blogs because Nick and I are at the end of our exact same NICU journey with our own twin girls Harper and Lily. I had an emergency Csection on May 15, 2008 because I was so sick from Preeclampsia. I had spent 9 days in the hospital on bedrest hoping that I could just wait out the remaining weeks in bed, but that was not God's answer to the situation. We had to deliver our twins in order to save my life and theirs. They were not due until August 10 - they were born May 15! Harper was 1 pound 13 ounces, Lily was 2 pounds 4 ounces. I WAS TERRIFIED. I had NO experience or knowledge of premature babies and cried each time I went to see them. I cannot say that my faith has been as firm as yours, I doubted. I saw their tiny arms and legs, and could not see their faces because of the phototherapy masks and I bawled every time. AT times my husband had to hold me up beside their beds. I know about the brain scans, the heart valves, the breathing machines, the back and forth feeds, the kangaroo care - we have been there! BUT FERRIS NOW our girls are each 4 pounds, sleeping together feeding an ounce every three hours, and should be home any day! I wish that I could be there to hold you right now and tell you that God is awesome but you already know that!!! I am overwhelmed right now with emotion because the Holy Spirit is awakened in me - just knowing that others are going through what we are going through and having such beautiful faith. I pray that you will continue to be at peace with His will, that your baby girls will grow and strengthen, and that the outcome of this journey is something you can continue to praise Him for. Please check out my blog... Go back to MAY 2008 blogs starting with bedrest blog to get the full story and see our tiny babies first pictures (kangaroo care) and then look at the most recent pictures. YOU WILL BE AMAZED HOW MUCH BIGGER YOUR BABIES WILL BE IN JUST 7 WEEKS!!! Hold on dear, God loves you babies SO MUCH and He LOVES YOU!!!
Love Your Sister in Christ,
PS I am going to copy this message to your husband to make sure you get it!
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