First off, Liana had a very stable day. Her heart rate is still a little high but it has slowed down significantly. She has done really well with her blood pressure and is now off of the medicine regulating that. She is still on an oscillator for breathing, but the doctors and nurses seem to think that it is likely she will be able to get off that machine soon and on to the next step for breathing. She was more relaxed and we were so proud at the progress she accomplished today.
(This is our precious little Liana)
Adleigh was a little diva this morning. She had been pulling off her CPAP (this bubble breathing tube) throughout the day and at one point even had it on her forehead and was breathing without any assistance. They decided to go ahead and see if she could handle the next step up which is just a small tube that looks way more comfortable than the CPAP did. She ended up doing amazing with it. Because of this progress we were able to hold little Adleigh for the first time today!!!!!!! Wade and I were so nervous, but once I started holding her she began to calm down and would look up into my eyes and even reached out with her hand and touched my face. As we were putting her back in her incubator, Wade was able to hold her and it was the sweetest moments I have ever experienced. As we walked out of her NICU nursery we were elated and were so joyful at the gift God had just given us of letting us hold one of our little girls. We can't wait until the day that we will be able to do this with Liana.
(This is us with our sweet Adleigh)
I'm thrilled to hear about the progress they are making! God is on the move in that hospital! I'm so glad you both got to hold one of your little girls. And it sounds like you're seeing signs of personality already! :)
Wow, this is such awesome news! They are both such beautiful little angels. I am so glad that you were able to hold Adleigh. That picture lifted my spirits tonight. I love you all so much!
praying, praying, praying for yall. looking forward to seeing God move. you are such a great mom.
What an awesome pair of girls with equally awesome parents! Chris, the kids and I are praying with confident hope for healing and strength for precious Liana and Adleigh - as well as for you and Wade.
God is so incredibly loving to let us shepherd these little lives - what amazes me even more is that He loves them more than we do!
Blessed little gals to have Ferris and Wade as parents!
Love you guys!
Ferris and Wade,
I am praying for you and your girls! God is going to give you your Sun Stand Still moment... I just know it! I'm excited to hear that you got to hold Adleigh and pray that moment won't be far away for Liana. I love you guys!
(As I wipe away tears of joy) I can't stop beaming for the amazing day that you all had! I look forward to hearing about many more days like this. We love you.
Praise him be the Glory!!!
We love you guys and Scooter is doing great at camp Beagle!!
Janet, Larry, Corbin and baby!!!
Such good news! Tears of joy filled my eyes as I read it! What a thrill for you to hold your precious little Adleigh. The two of you look so happy and she is beautiful. We are praying and wait with hope and expectancy for more good news of what our wonderful God and Father is going to do in Liana's little body and to see a picture of her in your arms too!
Wow! That is amazing you were able to hold little Adleigh already! We were just talking about that yesterday :) God is so good! We are praying for all of you!
praying for you and your sweet girls. keep having faith in God that He will do the "impossible"--nothing is to him!
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