Hello everyone! I go to so many sites about the new design trends and the hottest websites and portfolios of famous and not famous designers. So, today as I was doing the scan through all my sites and I started thinking...I don't have an online portfolio. This may not seem like a big deal but just think about how everything is going to the web nowadays. I can just imagine a scenario now.
(my characters are made up and not based on anyone)
Anne: WOW...that is one killer brochure you have their in your hand Sam. What is that for?
Sam: Oh, this is the brochure for our church's outdoor ministry. I am handing some out for people who want to join.
Anne: That's really cool! You know I am starting a new business and it would be really great to have a brochure that I could give to new clients. Who did yours? Maybe I could get them to do mine.
Sam: Oh yeah! This girl at our church whose name is Ferris Joye did it. I only know to get hold of her through church but I am sure you could probably go on the web and see her website. Just google her name.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! See I just lost a customer. I don't have the website. Instead she will see Wade's blog talking about me being his wife....which is amazing but doesn't show my sweet design skills.
Now that I have established the importance of a designer's website; I want to run something by you. Now I think I have a interesting personality. Well interesting is a nice way to put it; I am actually just plain weird. So in my attempt to try and learn Dreamweaver and see if I could make my own site, I want to show you the baby stage of my site. AND I want you to comment on my opening page phrase...I don't know if it is too weird?!?

I like the idea of the orange. The last name Joye makes me think orange. So I think an opening page with an orange would allow me to place a photography image in there. And I want a little catchy saying. So I am asking if YOU think the phrase "a designer whose got some juice" is cool or lame.
Please comment your thoughts!
hmm. i cant decide. i will wait on others to comment and maybe that will spark some ideas. i LOOOVE the layout and design though. yay! i would use you! :)
haha i actually really like it... if i was a customer I would think that was witty and that you are light and fun, but still professional because I mean you do have your own site. I think it would be a good way to catch some attention
ferdawg...your talent is like a juicy orange. When bitten into, it runs all down your face and gets all over. i like it alot :)
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