The girls are doing amazing! I am loving them being home so much. Even though I have Wade's mom and cousin Jamie helping around the clock we are all still exhausted. Having twins at home is a lot harder than I ever expected, but this is so much better than those awful hospital days. Can I just tell you that we go through diapers like crazy. One day fills up our diaper pail and we have already used up like 4 packs of diapers! Also, I packed up all of our preemie clothes. We are officially in newborn size, but that won't last long either. They are getting so big!
We are already seeing different personalities. Adleigh is so laid back and sleeps really well. She is generally happy and entertains herself. Liana is a little more high maintenance. She never wants to be put down and can be pretty fussy. She does have trouble digesting her formula since it is so much thicker so some of her fussiness is contributed to that. I love that they are already showing differences and keeping me on my toes as to how I have to handle each one.
The upcoming weeks are full of appointments to tons of specialists. I can't believe how many doctors such little girls have. We have already been to the pediatrician. Their weights: Adleigh 6lbs 15 ozs and Liana 6 lbs 2 ozs. But that was about a week ago so they have probably gained a lot of weight since then.
Thank you for all your prayers and love and comments! It means so much that you are still keeping up with our girls. If you could continue to pray for Adleigh's liver. She has the jaundice that was caused from being on TPN fluids for so long and she is still super yellow. Also, thank you so much for those who are doing meals for us. That is so helpful and our family really appreciates it!
Here are some pics from this week of the two of them.
Wade loving on his two girls. I just realized I need to start getting people to take pictures of me with the girls.

Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the new family thing. These days are tough but worth every bit of extra mile it takes to give them love and care!
Hi! I found your blog and have been following your path of faith with your girls for some time now. I rejoice with you about their life, health and continued improvement!
I do not have twins, but have two children very close in age. I don't know if you have looked into anything about Babywearing, but it may help you function if Liana really is a high-need baby, or if she continues to suffer from reflux. I have a Maya Wrap LP (lightly padded) ring sling and a Kozy Carrier mei tai (the kind I can wear my infant on my back while doing ANYTHING else). Just thought I'd throw out some names of some of the carriers/slings that you might like to look into!
Enjoy those babies! They are so beautiful!
I have been waiting for you to blog :) I know you are super busy at home with those angels. So glad to hear things are going well. They are so beautiful. I continue to pray for your family on a daily basis. Keep the pictures coming!
ok, I found your blog through the friend of a friend or something like that! Anyway, I have followed your story since their birth. Their story is amazing because when I first saw pictures of how small they were I was very concerned. I write today because I am a twin! I weighed 4lbs when I was born my twin sis around 5 lbs. We were only two weeks early. I like how you wrote about already recognizing their own individual personalities. If I could thank my parents for one thing as a twin - my gratitude lies there. They always treated us as individuals. Although we are identical and are very much alike, they always allowed us to go our own way, try our own thing. I was the first to walk, ride a bike, first to drive, etc. My twin always followed me! I'm still more of the extrovert from the getgo but we kind of work off each other now. Oh, I forgot to tell you - we're old!! 40!!! we are SO close. We live close by our kids are like interchangeable because she is like a mom to them, and I like a mom to hers. Anyway, I can't imagine the busyness you are going through. I see pictures of us when we were infants in my parents bed with bottles everywhere! ha! and that was the olden days!!! anyway, just love them for who they are, don't compare them and don't be surprised if they are a little shy as they grow up. I am NOT shy to say the least as an adult but as a child I was always hiding behind my parents legs because you see as a twin - attention is always drawn to you. I think I realized that very young and would often want to hide from the attention. We also had separate teachers/classrooms and although we shared friends, we had our individual friends as well. Although I have to tell you that the bond between twins is so strong and absolutely faithful to each other. She is my best friend no matter how many friends I have!! Just wanted to share! Enjoy the journey they grow up so fast. My kids are 12 and 15 and I'm in disbelief they're almost grown. May God continue to bless your precious girls, your marriage and your lives as a family! I'm so glad you're home together!
Hi Ferris. You don't know me, but I was a "groupie" of your husband back in my middle school days when he had the Wade Joye Band. I now have many friends that go to Elevation and that's how I found out about your girls and your blog. I have been following your story for some time now and am so excited that your girls are both home! I am a first time mom to a 4 month old little girl and believe me, I know it's hard, but it will get better! I am continuing to pray for you and Wade and your precious Adleigh and Liana. I know that they bring so much joy to your lives!
Ferris, they are so beautiful and I am soooo happy that they are home. I can't imagine how busy life is at your house. I can't wait to meet them! We love you all!
I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I just wanted to say congrats on your cute little girls coming home. My twin boys were born 10wks early and spent 48 days in the NICU. Having infant twins is hard, but it is so rewarding.
yes. you do need pictures with your girls!! XOXO
Ferris, I have enjoyed following your journey and I am so glad that the girls are home and doing so well. I will continue to pray for you all. And about the pictures of you, they are few and far between, usually mommy's are the ones who think to take the pictures, but you do need to get Wade or someone to take some of you so the girls will know you were there too!!!
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