
Ooo I brought back Would you Rather

Yes, Would you Rather used to be on Wednesday but I am bringing it back today for a special addition on this beautiful Monday.

Would you rather

Be able to hear any conversation
Be able to take back anything you say?


Anonymous said...

I would rather be able to take back anything I say! Duh!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

hmmmm...I'd rather be able to take back anything I say... :)

Erin said...

Oooo, a strong return to "would you rather?" I'd have to go with take back anything...hearing any conversation would surely lead to trouble, I'll stick with the trouble I get into with my assumptions.

kelly said...

Haha I guess I'm the only weird one so far to want to hear any conversation. I can't think of anything I've ever said that I really desperately wanted to take back.

George said...

I would rather be able to hear any conversation. Oh wait...can I take that back and change my answer? Doh!