
Music and Lyrics

I don't know how many of you went to go see Music and Lyrics starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. I saw it right when it came out with Wade and his parents and then watched it again the other night at Kelly's. It is a romantic comedy and goes through the typical romantic comedy plotline, but there is one jewel of goodness that it has that most other romantic comedies lack. I am talking about the awesome 80's video that starts out the movie. I think if this had been a real 80's song it would have made it on my 80's mix tape/cd. Here it is in all its splendor.


Will and Sarah said...

The video alone is worth the renting of this film. Fortunatly the movie is pretty good as well.

George said...

As a child of the '80's and a keyboard player, I am offended! This hit's way too close to home. Now pardon me while I change out of my puffy shirt and silk vest.