Adleigh staring intently at her toys above her head.
Liana signaling that the photo shoot and play time is over!
A little update for you:
The girls got their RSV shot today and we found out they both weighed 11 lbs 12 ozs. We are trying to figure out now what to do with Liana's reflux. She cries a lot during the day and then wakes up every hour or two during the night crying. She is on Reglan right now and I have been reading about some side effects of that and I want to see if we can experiment with some other ways to help her. We definitely know that she is refluxing because we see her gag/burp and then she will cry. She is also on Axid which makes her food less acidic once it is in her stomach, but that doesn't seem to change much right now. So if anyone has any ideas on things I could mention to her doctor let me know. Keep her in your prayers because I know she has to be miserable spitting up her food all the time. Thank you so much.
Ferris - we had a serious wonder medicine that worked for Glory's pain, atleast. She still spit up and we still had to watch her eating, but she wasn't in pain any longer. A friend suggested it to me & I had to ask the pediatrician for it by name. We gave it to her every 6 hours and it worked a MIRACLE. In two doses, she stopped crying and could atleast eat and sleep without pain. The only problem is Nick and I can't remember the name, so we're furiously looking it up right now!
WE JUST FOUND AN OLD BOTTLE! It is called Levsin and even though our doctor was being really proactive, she didn't readily think of this drug. Try mentioning it to your Dr. & see if that helps:)
Ferris, Jessi gave you a great suggestion. Levsin is approved for pediatric use and it doesn't require the addition of water. From a pharmacist's perspective (that's me), it should be the easiest thing to dose w/o complicated directions. I've had to instruct parents who are using Prevacid for their babies and it gets confusing.
BTW, so you don't think I'm some stranger following the story of your baby girls... Wade's grandmother, Margaret, married my grandmother's (Pearline) brother Tom. My husband saw Pastor Furtick at Catalyst this year in ATL and we've been following Elevation Church and learning from Pastor Furtick from a distance (in Carnesville, Georgia). And Joye is not a common name, so when I saw Wade's name on the staff page, I started asking around, and my grandmother told me about your babies. My middle name is Joye (I kept it as my middle name after I got married because I've always thought it was a super cool name). So, I'm Cynthia and I hope things go well with switching the reflux meds.
Hi Ferris! I'm Lindsay from Elevation and my husband and I have a 10 week old, Hannah. She has bad reflux and we have her on Prevacid which has worked miracles for her! She's also on Alimentum formula which takes very little effort for her system to digest and she's done wonderfully on it! Let me know if you have questions; we're pros on reflux and know how frustrating and concerning it can be! Lindsay
I am a Peds/NICU nurse and we use Zantac for all our refluxers in KS and MO. It isn't a good tasing drug, but it sure seems to do the trick.
AMY S from KS
I know this sounds so goofy and yukky, but see if you can try just a tsp. of white vinegar after she eats. It's natural and no side effects. I used it for about a month when I was having reflux issues and it worked for me. But I was able to just shoot it down. I used a Tbs. This was recommended by a Homeopathic Dr.
I love your blog, and I love praying for your family. God Bless you and Merry Christmas. Laura
Hi Ferris - my daughter had reflux when she was born. She is now 8 months old and we have been able to take her off the medicine. Her pediatrician put her on Prilosec. It had to be compounded so it was a bit more expensive than a regular prescription. Before we started the Prilosec we were on Axid and it did do very much in helping her so we tried the Prilosec and it worked wonders. Hope you try it.
My son had reflux and was on lots of different medications, but all the medications were not working. We were referred to a specialist who said that reflux alone does not always cause pain. My baby also had a food allergy. I was told that milk was the most common allergy, and I was advised to either remove milk from my diet or stop breastfeeding. His allergy turned out to be chocolate. Peanuts and shellfish were also suggested, but there are many others. Also, my daughter was on formula, and she had trouble digesting the "with iron" formulas. We switched to the Enfamil "low iron" formula and she was fine.
Following your blog-Mt. Horeb UMC member. My daughter had reflux too when she was born. Projectile reflux was more like it. We were put on Prevacid and then told to thicken her formula (which was Carnation Good Start by the way-pretty easy formula to digest) with rice cereal. The thickening helps it stay in their stomach better. It seemed to do well. When she starts sitting up and getting trunk control, it will help with the reflux also. Ours was completely gone by 6 months of age. Hope that helps some!
Hi again. I forgot to add some things I remembered after posting the last comment. It was 4 years ago-sometimes hard to remember those details. We were also on the Levsin drops mentioned in another comment section. I did not find Levsin helped with the extreme reflux we were dealing with. We were told to keep her upright for at least 20-30 minutes or longer after she ate. It is hard to digest laying down. We also used an incline wedge (you can find at Babies-r-Us) in her crib so she wasn't laying flat. Sorry I forgot to add that before. By the way, you guys have been in my prayers throughout all of this. I am glad they are doing so well and that God blessed you!
Both of my children (who, by the way, went to Furman with Wade) had children with reflux. One of the boys actually slept inclined in a bouncer/recliner type seat for several months and it helped tremendously. I know of another baby that slept in her car seat for six months as directed by the doctor. Maybe this would help.
Jo Forrest (mom of Alex and Erin)
We will absolutely pray about the reflux issues. Thank you so much for posting the pics/videos. All I can say as I see the pics is "Praise You, Jesus". Your girls are beyond beautiful!! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!! We love you all and will continue to pray.
Much love from Virgina,
Becky and The Burton Family
Ferris & Wade, God is soooo AWESOME!!!! What beautiful babies & to think they'd told you the girls would have all kinds of issues. They seem like healthy normal 2 mo. olds(approx. adjusted age?). -well, outside of the reflux, but even my nephews- not premie had it.
My son has reflux too, he was born 11 weeks early. He came home on a wedge and on Zantac. i tell you what, that wedge, seriously, made ALL the difference. We had to beg the doctors for it and I am so thankful we did. That might be a thought to talk to them about, it helps it go in the right direction...keep it down. Now, of course, Parker still spits up and such, but it doesn't hurt anymore and he eats like a piggy. I have heard a lot of negative about Reglan actually, they don't normally suggest it at the hospital I was at. The other thing, is thickening feeds, I have also found that once they start eating solids, it does better too. There are my thoughts! Good luck!
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