The twins first trip to Columbia
We took the girls this past Friday to Columbia for the day. They got to see all their cousins on Wade's side of the family. It was so much fun! I know it was really special for Wade's grandmother who had almost all her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren there at the same time! The girls had a blast and loved eating all the home cooked food! Here are some pics of our time there.

Adleigh walks...with help
This week has been a big week for us. Liana crawling and now Adleigh wanting to walk behind her car/walker. I can't believe Adleigh is getting so big! She looks like a big kid walking behind her little lion. It is so true about how fast their first year flies by!! I thought everyone would like to see Adleigh in action...so here she is!
Liana Crawls!
Here is the video everyone has been waiting for...Liana crawling!
Liana had been trying to crawl for a few weeks now but would only move about an inch and she would get super frustrated. Then yesterday, I was fixing one of their favorite books (taping things back in that they tore out) in the kitchen. I had layed out some toys and books around Liana in our playroom and once I was finished with taping the book back together I looked over to see Liana on the other side of the room. Now I know that she had to have crawled over there, but part of me was wondering if Adleigh had pulled her across because going from an inch or two to across the room in a day seems crazy!!! Obviously I tried to recreate the situation and tried placing objects away from her so I get the crawl on video, but I guess she was tired because she would decide to play with something else instead.
Then today, with Wade at home, we put one of her favorite toys in the middle of the room and she crawled to it. We finally got to see the answer to so many prayers. I am sure I will get some better videos soon, but we wanted to show you what a big accomplishment Liana made!
The girls had their first trip to the beach and they loved it! The last night there Liana had a fever and didn't sleep very well. But after taking a trip to the doctor and getting some antibiotics, she was able to enjoy the last day. We also went to Barefoot Landing and the girls got to see the alligators, lizards, snakes, and fish. Here are some of our pictures and make sure you check the others on my Flickr page here.
Standing in the ocean for the first time!
Liana determined to get out of her float and into the water.
Adleigh loving that her hat is out of her face.
Swinging sweet Adleigh around on the beach. I love this picture:)
The family picture as we stare out at the ocean.
The 1 year Birthday!
Well today is actually my birthday so I guess it is fitting that I post the girls' bday pictures today :)
Liana is loving some cake.
We had a blast. There were so many people celebrating what God had done and is doing in their lives. I must say how amazing it felt to see the girls gobbling up their 1 year birthday cake and to know what all it took to get to this point. We did have an incident where Adleigh's birthday cake got pushed into the floor and yes I picked it up and gave it back to her. Only one side was damaged! So here are the little ladies in all their glory! I have posted just a few and you can check out more on my Flickr page.
Also, a few weeks ago our church showed a video of the story of our girls. It shows how God answered our prayers. You can see it at Pastor Steven Furtick's blog.
I'm switching things up
First, I have two posts about the girls' one year birthday and our vacation that are coming.
Second, you are going to see this blog change a little. I think I have been so bad with updating because I still saw this blog as the journal of their life in the NICU and I wasn't sure how to make that fit with our lives now. But obviously we are way past that point and the girls are in another chapter of their life as well as myself. So the blog is going to show you more of what it is like raising twins and how I am trying to be a godly mother to them. Honestly, once we brought the girls home I have just tried to keep up with them and I am now feeling such an intense hunger to really delve into scripture and take my prayer life to a new level. So although most of the content will be about the girls, I also want to encourage other mothers who feel like all their time goes to caring for and chasing their young ones. I hope I can stick with this and having your encouragement really helps :) Looking back through all I have written on this blog makes me want to continue even if it is just for myself!
I'll be posting the posts mentioned above soon.
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