
Not for Granted

Our friends Aimee and Adam had to say goodbye for now to precious Kayleigh. Kayleigh has been such an inspiration to so many people. Her life has taught us how to fight through our circumstances and how to embrace every second we have. She is truly a miracle baby. Some of my sweetest NICU memories are of us and the Freemans in our little area holding Liana and Kayleigh. Thank you Adam and Aimee for letting us get to know Kayleigh and for allowing her to have such a tremendous impact on our lives.

I had a few moments last night to look through some blogs of other NICU parents. Some were just starting their fight while others just took their preemie out to the "outside world" after months of staying in protecting their child. Wade and I talked about how around this time last year was when our world started to turn upside down. Pretty much every walk we take on as a family, we end up talking about how we felt during certain moments in the NICU and then we are able to look at our girls smiling or babbling at us.

I never want to take for granted that:
I can hold my daughters without anything being attached to them.
I am able to tuck my daughters in at night and then be the first one they see in the morning.
Liana is surpassing any of the doctors expectations.
Adleigh overcame the worst intestinal issue a preemie can have.
My girls love their feet to be touched. (preemies can have feet issues because of how often they got stuck for blood)
That we are able to ride in the car without the heart monitors.
They love food and don't have any oral aversions.
We have a church that supported us and prayed for us.
My God picked me up and carried me through the most difficult season I have faced.

What do you never want to take for granted?


Holly Furtick said...

Modern medicine's miracle of ear tubes!!!

Marie Marsicano said...

I never want to take for granted the time we have here with our families.

Sarah said...

I found your blog through Kaleigh's...I posted a list of things I'm thankful for a few days ago after her passing. I think we'll all hug our little ones a little closer tonight.

PS. Your girls are DARLING!

Bubeaner said...


GE is me said...

Ferris, just looked at some of the recent pics of the girls! HOW ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL THESE 2 MIRACLES ARE!!!!! Life should be getting easier for you & more fun. :) Love the bathing beauties pic!

What I don't want to take for granted: That Jesus Christ died for me & my sins(and everyone else's). My beautiful family & the fact that I've been blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy little girls. Thank you Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Things I don't to take for granted:
A good nights sleep
A clean bed
An unsolicited "Mommy, I love you"
A big toothy grin
many other things I can't think of now. I'm being summoned . . .

I found your blog as a link from another blog. I noticed our twins are about the same age. Abbie and Emma will be 1 year old on July 14th. Your girls are adorable!