SHORT UPDATES: Liana is doing amazing. She had her physical therapy session and PT lady said she was doing way better than most preemies. She is doing some things that a 4 month old can do and we are corrected at only 2 months. Adleigh is doing just as amazing and we are seriously blown away about how strong and smart they are. God is already showing that a brain bleed has no final say over His plans. By the way, Liana's bleed is still resolving and everything is looking like it should. They will want to continue to watch her until she is about 3 years old.
Adleigh's jaundice is doing a lot better. Her liver levels are going into normal ranges. Her skin is still yellow, but looking a lot more pinky pale to me. All the scans and tests they ran came back normal so it is officially just the TPN made her liver stuff all gunky and it is hard for her to get rid of her bili. So we will be on the meds for a little while longer.
Ok so, we all know what time it shoot time! Here is a group of the girls having what we call "together time," which usually means shoving a baby into the other baby's face (jk...kinda).

Seriously how did I get both of these shots? Back to back too! Too funny.

I would like to hear your caption for this picture .

Thank you Ferris for posting the pics of the girls, they look so adorable , and so healthy. Your blog is the next best thing to seeing the girls besides being there. Thank you, I know all the Dr apts. will go well. Remember when I went to the Dr with you and how well Adleigh did with her Dr apts???She did Great!
We all love you all,,and Ferris your doing a Great job, I'm extremely proud of you.I Love you ..Love ,your MoM
Your girls are incredibly beautiful. Your attitude and faith is so inspiring to me!
Thank you for continuing to share your testimony!
I am praying for you and your girls.
These pictures are beautiful! Everytime I get on the computer, Pressley tries to climb in my lap and yells, "Babies!" She loves looking at their pictures. The other day she tried to say Liana when we were looking at them.
The girls look so healthy and you are such an awesome mom. We love you!
Sharlie, Benjamin, and Pressley
They are precious and we can't wait to see you guys again! It looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel for us. We are so glad that things are going good for you two. Tell everyone we said hello :)
Love ya!
The Freemans :)
Picture captions: "I know something she doesn't know!" or "Mommy likes me best!," but it is most likely, "I love bein' with Sissy!"
Thank God for His goodness. Thank God for wonderful parents, who believe and speak His Word.
That is the CUTEST pic...Liana definitely looks like she's thinking something sneaky or silly :) (almost looks like she's doing her "dr evil" impression from Austin powers?? LOL) too cute! I am praising God with you, I've been praying for your girls since the beginnning! Their lives alone are a testimony to the power of our Loving God and the amazing power of prayer as well! I continue to lift you, Wade, and your beautiful girls up. God bless...
I love these updates!
Liana's thinking: :"I AM the cutest thing EVER."
Adleigh is thinking: "Until she discovers she is an identical twin! Break it to her gently mom..."
Liana: Tee hee. I pooted.
Adleigh: I smell it.
caption for picture:
Adleigh: uhgg..not another photo shoot...
Liana: just smile for the camera and it will be over!
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