Sweet moments
I love that the girls are getting a little older and are being more expressive. They are going through the stage right now where they just lift their arms up because they want to be held. It gets hard when they are both doing that at the same time though! The other day Wade came home from work and was washing his hands when Adleigh started wanting to get to him. This video only shows half of the distance she goes for him to hold her. She also gets a little sidetracked at the end, but it was a super sweet moment and I love that she is showing how much she loves us!
Not for Granted
Our friends Aimee and Adam had to say goodbye for now to precious Kayleigh. Kayleigh has been such an inspiration to so many people. Her life has taught us how to fight through our circumstances and how to embrace every second we have. She is truly a miracle baby. Some of my sweetest NICU memories are of us and the Freemans in our little area holding Liana and Kayleigh. Thank you Adam and Aimee for letting us get to know Kayleigh and for allowing her to have such a tremendous impact on our lives.
I had a few moments last night to look through some blogs of other NICU parents. Some were just starting their fight while others just took their preemie out to the "outside world" after months of staying in protecting their child. Wade and I talked about how around this time last year was when our world started to turn upside down. Pretty much every walk we take on as a family, we end up talking about how we felt during certain moments in the NICU and then we are able to look at our girls smiling or babbling at us.
I never want to take for granted that:
I can hold my daughters without anything being attached to them.
I am able to tuck my daughters in at night and then be the first one they see in the morning.
Liana is surpassing any of the doctors expectations.
Adleigh overcame the worst intestinal issue a preemie can have.
My girls love their feet to be touched. (preemies can have feet issues because of how often they got stuck for blood)
That we are able to ride in the car without the heart monitors.
They love food and don't have any oral aversions.
We have a church that supported us and prayed for us.
My God picked me up and carried me through the most difficult season I have faced.
What do you never want to take for granted?
Easter Fun
I know Easter was forever ago, but I thought that you might want to see these sweet pictures of our family. Mind you that it was about 30 minutes past their nap time so that we could have Wade in the pictures. So they did pretty good...just not too many smiles! 

In honor of summer
We haven't been to the pool yet, but we do have some sweet bathing suits. Here are the girls giving their version of a fashion show!
4 years and Mother's Day
May 7th (this past Thursday) was Wade's and my 4 year anniversary. We ended up celebrating Friday night with an action packed night. We started at The Gallery Restaurant and had the restaurant almost completely to ourselves since we ate at 5:30. They even did this dessert platter for us that said Happy Anniversary on it. We saw Star Trek after that and finally to finish off the evening we saw Public Radio play at the Visulite Theater. They did a fantastic job!
Then this Sunday Holly preached at church for Mother's Day. She did an awesome job! I ended up bringing the girls to our church during the 11:30 service for just a few minutes and some of the band members and a few other people got to see them. The most said statement was "they are actually real!" I guess I have done too good of a job of sheltering them. One of our amazing Elevation photographers caught a few pictures of us with the girls. I am with Liana and Wade is with Adleigh.

Wade got me this gorgeous necklace for our anniversary/mother's day of two hearts to symbolize both girls. It is gorgeous! And I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

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