
Back from a really long blog drought

So that blog drought was pretty lame, but I am back better than ever with some sweet twinsies.

So in the almost month that I haven't blogged. Here are some new updates. By the way today the girls turned 8 months old (corrected age is 5 months)!!! I can't believe they are growing up so fast.

The girls ate some rice cereal and didn't seem to ever really like it. We just tried to move on to bananas yesterday and that made for some fun faces. Here are two good ones.

Liana has started talking. She is more of a responsive person instead of long babbling. So it is quite a bit harder to get her on video, but here is the best one so far.

Adleigh now rolls over from her stomach to her back. It still doesn't happen every time but she is getting a lot better.

Liana does this thing where she kinda bunches up in a ball and tries to kick herself over from her back to her stomach. We are getting closer, but she gets kinda stuck on her side.

The girls have become fascinated with anything that lights up. So all of their favorite toys are things they can push that make music and light up.

I entered the girls into the Beautiful Baby Contest and have some awesome pictures of them. The one I entered is the first picture I have of both of them smiling. Here it is.

Hope that was a good one month wrap up! The twins told me to start blogging more so that people can see what they are up to. So I can't disappoint the babies :)


MimiBrayCo said...

Oh My! They are simply PRECIOUS! I could just eat them with a spoon!! I have been needing an Adleigh/Liana fix, so truly do appreciate your posting this! I love the picture - good luck in the contest. Deborah Burrows

judie said...

Welcome back! I really have missed hearing how the girls are doing. I saw Wade in Church Sunday and told him I missed your blogs and asked how the girls were doing. He got a HUGE smile on his face and said great. I KNOW with two babies you have to be extremely busy so I just kept checking. The girls have beautiful long eyelashes and are soooo pretty. Their picure is SURE TO WIN!

geisme said...

Glad to hear from you Ferris. The girls look great. Keep trying with the foods. I pretty much made all my own(Super baby food book by Ruth Yaron), except for cereal. But avocado is an excellent 1st food- great brain food & good fats. I have some funny pics of the girls when I 1st started feeding them. You should see it when I gave them beets- they looked like little clowns! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, your babies are beautiful!! I am encouraged to read your blog. I am also a follower of Christ, my husband is the worship pastor at our church in upstate New York, and I am currently 5 months pregnant with monoamniotic twin boys. It is a blessing to see babies (and moms) who have been through this and are doing well. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Since you are in the bumbo stage of life I thought I would tell you about this funny website:
watch the videos they are sure to make you smile!

Homegrown Tribe said...

I just found your blog... your girls are beautiful! I briefly read through your story.... you all have been through so much! What an amazing God we serve!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture of the girls smiling together! Their eyes are amazing! So pretty! Glad you're back. :)

Lisa H said...

What gorgeous twin baby girls! You and your husband must be so proud!! God bless!

-Lisa H from Canada :-)