Here's a little video to listen to in case you are dying to hear the heartbeat too!
I'm having a baby!
Well after 11 weeks of keeping it off my blog I am finally sharing to the world that I am pregnant! Wade and I just went to the doctor this morning to hear our baby's heartbeat. After 11 weeks of not really feeling any different, (no morning sickness, not much of a change in my energy level, etc) I was wondering if I had just imagined the whole thing. But baby Joye was ready to be heard and immediately after putting that heartbeat thing on my stomach his/her heartbeat filled the room. It is so amazing and I feel so blessed. Wade and I are ecstatic and we can't wait to be parents.
Here's a little video to listen to in case you are dying to hear the heartbeat too!
Here's a little video to listen to in case you are dying to hear the heartbeat too!
Today's Scoop
After wondering whether or not I should just delete my blog or just post something that tells you that there will be no new updates I realized that I was just taking the easy road out. I didn't start this blog so that I could entertain the thousands that come to my blog (yes, that is a joke). I started my blog...well first off because Wade started one ( and I have to be just like Wade) and then secondly because I just wanted to have a place where I could write down whatever I was thinking. In my earlier posts I talked about how this is a type of journal that I can't lose. I had many notebooks that were half full because I would eventually lose them or get tired of writing and stop. And I realized that was about to happen with this little blog. I refuse to let it. So here I am. I am going to make a promise that I will at least blog once a week, hopefully more if I have something to say.
Right now
I have a little post coming up with my sweet niece, but I have to edit some video AGAIN! And I just can't make myself sit down and edit it yet. So I decided to end the 10 day (or something close to that) blog drought and just let you know what is going on right now.
1. Wade is still in the studio. Kind of. I mean today he isn't but he leaves tomorrow and will be there until Friday night.
2. On Thursday, I am going to visit my husband in Atlanta so we can spend Valentine's together and then hopefully Friday I can get to see what is going on at the studio with the guys.
3. Can I tell you how excited I was about yesterday! It was our church's 2 year anniversary and it was amazing. An awesome morning (a fantastic message from Pastor Furtick), 165 baptisms!!!!, and a off the chain worship night where our voices were recorded so they can go on the cd, that way it will have the energy of an Elevation worship experience.
4. I have been horrible about working out. I am starting to feel like a slug or something. The guys being at the studio has made my life a little less structured so I have just fallen off the workout wagon. But I am going to get back...I promise.
5. I am just really horrible at blogging right now. I hope that in the coming weeks it will get better, but right now I just don't have much to say. It is like torture trying to pull something out of my brain to write about. Oh well!
1. Wade is still in the studio. Kind of. I mean today he isn't but he leaves tomorrow and will be there until Friday night.
2. On Thursday, I am going to visit my husband in Atlanta so we can spend Valentine's together and then hopefully Friday I can get to see what is going on at the studio with the guys.
3. Can I tell you how excited I was about yesterday! It was our church's 2 year anniversary and it was amazing. An awesome morning (a fantastic message from Pastor Furtick), 165 baptisms!!!!, and a off the chain worship night where our voices were recorded so they can go on the cd, that way it will have the energy of an Elevation worship experience.
4. I have been horrible about working out. I am starting to feel like a slug or something. The guys being at the studio has made my life a little less structured so I have just fallen off the workout wagon. But I am going to get back...I promise.
5. I am just really horrible at blogging right now. I hope that in the coming weeks it will get better, but right now I just don't have much to say. It is like torture trying to pull something out of my brain to write about. Oh well!
Check Me Out (youth calendar)
I was asked to make a calendar for Mt Horeb's youth. They wanted something that could be put simple enough for parents to just glance at and understand. They also brought in a new youth minister and wanted to include a letter that the new youth director had written. They print these in-house I couldn't full-bleed anything. So I ended up making a bulletin board kind of feel with a mix of post-it notes, push pins, notecards, and a postcard with the letter to the youth group. There was also a back side with upcoming summer events that was put on a piece of notebook paper with a post-it paperclipped to it. I thought it was a simple, fun way to have a calendar.

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