We got some crazy news yesterday about Adleigh. Her xray of her tummy came back still looking pretty suspicious. So they decided to consult surgery to get their opinion on Adleigh. Surgery decided to do some xrays concentrating on her upper GI tract, but they couldn't fit her in until today. So sometime this morning they will put some type of dye thing in her stomach and then look at it through a series of xrays. They are mainly looking to see if she has an obstruction or if part of her bowel has narrowed. Then after figuring out what it is then they will make an assessment as to what needs to happen next.
When I heard all this news, I had a really tough time. I told God I was not sure how much more I could take. To be this close to their actual due date and then have the doctors say they are consulting with surgery on a matter really broke me. I talked with my friend Kelly and she was such an encouragement to me. I realized (with some of her wise words) that this is exactly where I need to be—in a place where I can't do it anymore. I was completely trusting God with our girls, but I also used some of my own strength to get through the day to day. Imagine how much glory God gets when there is no more of our strength to push us on. I will forever be able to look at this point and know that the only way I handled all of this is because He carried the burden for me.
To make a day even crazier I found out Liana had two big episodes (bradys and desats) that day. They decided to put her back on caffeine to see if that would help her remember to breathe. But with her episodes she ended up getting too cold and I couldn't get her out yesterday to hold her or feed her. I was so sad! I didn't get to hold my little girl yesterday.
Needless to say, just pray for our little girls to turn a corner and begin making the steps to be able to come home. Please specifically pray that Adleigh does not need any kind of surgery and that God will lay His hand on her stomach and heal it. We know that God spoke to us that the girls will be healthy and when I read this verse today I was encouraged:
"When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised." Hebrews 6:13-15
Will be praying!
Praying that God would give you the strength to wait patiently!
Ferris-You don't know me, but our family has been praying for you, Wade and your precious babies-true miracles from God. Our son, Travis, was an intern there this summer. My husband and I and our identical twin daughters visited Elevation Church on 08-17. We met your husband through Travis after the service at Butler. Travis had told Wade about his sisters some time over the summer while he was there. There names are Jenna Grace and Jessica Hope--I know, Grace and Hope--It gave me chills when I heard that those were your girls middle names also. As we told Wade, we as a family pray for you and your girls daily. We know first hand the emotional roller coaster that you are on. Our girls were very sick when they were born at 30 weeks. Jenna Grace had a blood transfusion immediately after birth and Jessica Hope had to be monitored for heart damage.Thank God neither have any permanent damage. They had twin to twin transfusion -they were on ventilators (oscillating) cpap, 2nd degree brain bleed. a bacterial infection. mild ROP and all the rest--I can still hear the alarms in my head from the brady scares. They both had to have occupational therapy to learn how to suck and feed. I have not sent you a message before now, because I know you have so much going on and do not know me, but I felt when I read your Blog today-I needed to. Our girls came home from the hospital with heart monitors, oxygen and 5 medications-caffeine being one as well as zantac. Just know that God was there carrying us every minute-yes, even the times when we thought that we couldn't keep going. HE would ALWAYS give us strength. Just to let you know, Jenna and Jessica are now 6-1/2 and healthy as can be and they just started the 1st-grade- same class of course-just try to separate them--and to let you know Travis was an only child for 13 years-- the girls were true "gifts" from God- we were 40 and 43 years old at the time. Just know that we are praying for you. Jenna Grace and Jessica Hope keep your babies in their bedtime prayers at night as well> If you ever need to talk to someone who has truly been there-my e-mail is dlynes@homesc.com and tel. no is 843-899-7697---Your girls are beautiful!!! God Bless you all! Sorry this is so long. Linda and Danny Lynes
I am praying for you - I can completely understand how this type of news, just when things should be getting so much better, is just HARD to deal with. God is faithful though, isn't He? I've been checking your blog for a while now, praying each time to see a big headline of "They're HOME and HEALTHY!" Praying for that. - Laura
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